Pioneers of Ellis County
If not otherwise noted, all sketches were contributed by Jean Caddel.
Pioneers |
Contributors |
A |
Alexander, Arthur |
Jane Bell Smith |
Apperson, Peter |
Aycock, Robert |
Tom Wardlaw |
Aycock and Sanford Information |
Mary Lou Wardlaw |
B |
Baxter, A. J. |
Beauchamp, Jereboam Downing |
Charles L. Beauchamp |
Brock, E. M. |
Unknown |
Bundy, Dr. Zachary T. |
Debra Wilson |
Burleson, Hopson M. |
C |
Campbell, Henry Harrison |
Caudle, Georgia Ann Turner |
Chandler, Robert |
Jack W. Hughes |
Chapman, Alexander Chapman |
Chapman and Sanderson Families |
Pamela Bell |
Clardy, Jesse E. |
Joyce Terrana |
Clayton & Stoker Families |
Cooke, William G. |
Cunningham, George |
Unknown |
Curlin, Jesse H. |
D |
Davis Family of Reagor Springs |
Drummond, J. A. "Happy" |
Kathleen Ellis |
Dubose, Edwin Anthony |
Dunaway, Jefferson M. |
E |
Edmondson, Y. C. "Tobe" |
Edwards, Major Thomas Coleman |
F |
Fearis, Camillus U. |
Dr. David P. Fearis III |
Fearis, David Porteus |
Dr. David P. Fearis III |
Finley, Olin Anthony |
Forrest, Captain Carr |
Forrest Family |
Unknown |
Forrest Family History |
Fowler, J. J. |
Fuqua, Robert Henry |
G |
Gailbraith, Hugh H. |
Garvin, Thomas Finn |
C. R. Fitch Sr. |
Gideon, I. F. |
Gilmore Family |
Gober, Francis Marion |
Annie Freeman |
Gould, Nehemiah |
Green, Dora Eva Smith Cody |
Frances Smith |
H |
Hampton Family |
Hancock, William L. |
Hardeman, John Marr |
Harris, Frank S. |
Dr. David P. Fearis III |
Henderson, James R. |
High, Major H. |
Hines, Thomas Sr. |
Hosford, William |
Unknown |
Howe, William R. Family |
Granville D. Edwards |
Howe, William Ross |
Hussey, Dr. John Thomas |
J |
Jackson, Thomas B. |
John, William |
K |
Killen, Theophilus and Malinda |
King, John Thomas, II |
Kookin, Robert B. |
Virginia Taylor |
L |
Loggins, Dr. James Campbell |
Herman I. May |
Loyd Family |
M |
Marchbanks, Boling Feltz |
Barbara Knox |
Marshall, Josiah Archibald |
Martin, George W. |
Mayfield, Robert |
Myrl Ross |
McCain, R. A. "Uncle Rufe" |
Karen Trouvat |
McDaniel and Morrel Families |
McCulloch, Major Alexander & Frances |
McFadden, Dr. John Randolph |
McNeill, Hector |
Steve Edgerton |
Miller, Thomas A. |
Unknown |
Mitchell, William L. "Brack" Jr. |
Granville D. Edwards |
Moffett, John H. |
Morrison, William Coates |
Betty Clingman |
Moyers, Alfred |
Unknown |
N |
Neel, Thomas C. |
Nelson, Lafayette S. |
New, Edward S. |
ndnblu |
P |
Patterson, James M. |
Paul, James P. |
R |
Rogers, Emory W. |
Unknown |
Rosson, John W. |
Ruffin, Henry J. |
Virginia Crilley |
S |
Sanderson & Chapman Families |
Pamela Bell |
Aycock and Sanford Information |
Mary Lou Wardlaw |
Seaboalt, William Riley, Jr. |
William D. Gorman |
Sims, Nicholas P. - death notice |
Sims, Nicholas P. - sketch |
Unknown |
Sims, Raleigh |
Sims, Dr. William Pickney |
Smith Families |
Smith, Hans |
Larry Amyett Jr. |
Smith, Thomas Ingles |
Granville D. Edwards |
Smith, Thomas "Willow Pond" |
Frances Smith |
Spencer, W. J. |
Stewart, William Thomas |
Stoker & Clayton Families |
Stokes, W. J. |
Stokes, Elder William H. |
Barbara Knox |
Stout, Peter |
T |
Tate, Lucy A. Whitefield |
Treadaway, Joel D. |
Jane Bell Smith |
V |
Veal, William G. |
Vickery, Richard |
Unknown |
W |
Wallace, Dr. W. B. |
Warren and Allied Families |
Mrs. C. E. Moore |
Watson, Colonel Benjamin W. F. |
Weir, James J. |
Whitefield, George W. |
Whitfill, William and Margaret (Durbin) |
Whitten, Nelson G. |
Williams, Thomas Wilson Bible Record |
Dalina Morehead Crump |
Wilson, Lunsford O. |
Woolsey, Josiah P. |
Faye Woods |
Wright, Thomas Gabe |
Jane Bell Smith |
Y |
Youngblood, William Franklin |
Patricia Haile Kinsey |
Misc. |
Ellis County Pioneers' Association |
Ellis County Doctors |
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Thursday, 01-Jul-2021 13:29:42 MDT