Pioneers of Ellis County
James P. Paul
Source: Memorial and Biographical History of Ellis County, Texas. Lewis Pub. Co. Chicago. 1892
James P. Paul was born near McDonough, Henry County, Georgia, February
10, 1831, a son of Archibald Y. Paul, a native of South Carolina.
Archibald Paul drew a pension for his service in the War of 1812 and married
Martha Russell, a daughter of William Russell, early settler of Georgia and
native of Ireland. He and his family moved to Texas in 1855, where he died.
Archibald and Martha Paul had ten children: (1) Washington, (served throughout
Civil War and afterwards moved to Arkansas where he died); (2) Elizabeth
( married J. G. Criddle, deceased, formerly a merchant Leesburg, Texas) (3);
Mary M. (married William Turner who fought CSA now farmer Kent County, Texas)
(4); Franklin A., (was taking a ministerial course at Lebanon University,
Tennessee when War began ; enlisted in the command of Stonewall Jackson;
was killed at Chancellorsville); James P. Paul.
James Paul married May 20, 1852, Miss Arminta Johnson (in Georgia)
who was (born near Jonesborough, Ga. May 12, 1837, daughter of Jordan Johnson.
The latter represented his county in that state's Legislature several terms,
and also served as Justice of the Peace and Sheriff.
James P. Paul came to Kent County, Texas in 1855. He served as Captain
of the State Militia at one time; enlisted 1861 Co. F. Clark's 14th Texas
Infantry and served Louisiana and Arkansas areas, participating in the battles
of Jenkins Ferry and Saline River, Arkansas; and was later detailed to work
in the harness and saddle department, until the end of the War.
He moved to Ellis County in 1882 where he had extensive farm land. Mr.
and Mrs. Paul have eight children,: John F., (born 1853, a Methodist minister
near Greenville, Hunt County) ; Lilla M., (born 1854, married James Teague,
farmer and carpenter Ellis County); Mary Ophelia, (born 1859, mar. C. B.
Chinn, a detective who was killed at Temple, Bell County); Louise A., (born
1863, mar. Thomas Curry, Ellis County farmer); Cornelia, (born 1866, mar.
A. Farrar, also farmer Ellis County); Lawson J.,(born 1868, farmer, mar.
Jennie Hopson); Etta, (born 1875, mar. F. Voss, farmer Ellis County). .
Mr. Paul is a Democrat and he and his wife are members of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church.
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