Pioneers of Ellis County
James J. Weir
Abstracted from A Memorial & Biographical History of Ellis County, Goodspeed, Chicago, 1892
James J. Weir, [of Hill county, Texas], was born in North Alabama, May
7, 1827, a son of Hugh and Elizabeth (Wallace) Weir, natives of Virginia
and Kentucky. His grandfather, George Weir, a native of Virginia, emigrated
to Tennessee where the first county court [county not given] was held at
his house. Both Hugh and George Weir were Revolutionary War soldiers.
Hugh Weir [the father of our subject] was reared and educated in Tennessee,
where he studied and practiced medicine. He came to Texas in 1845 and continued
his profession [for over 50 years] in addition to farming, also owning a
number of slaves before the Civil War. He was a strong Democrat, but never
aspired to public office. He and his wife were devoted members of the Methodist
Hugh Wier died in 1866, at the age of eighty-two years, and Elizabeth
Wier 1867, age eighty-four. Their children were: Jane, (married D. McEachern,
both died in Cherokee County, Texas); Isabella, (married James McDaniel
died at Milford, Ellis County); Isabella (still living) Abraham H., (lawyer;
died at Centerville, Leon County, [Texas] in 1855; Hugh (died Hood County,
[Texas] 1877;) David, a physician for over thirty years; died Brownsboro,
Henderson County,) and James..
James J. Weir came to Texas in 1845, settling first in Nacogdoches County,
but moving to Cherokee County a year later where he bought a tract of land
and farmed for some time. In 1856 he came to Ellis County and continued that
occupation. He now [1892] owns 675 acres, all fenced, with 370 acres farmed
by tenants to cotton and corn. Before the Civil War Mr. Weir's principal
crops were wheat, oats and corn, but since then he raises mostly cotton and
When he settled in this county five families composed the neighborhood,
located on Mill Creek, their market being Houston, 160 miles distant, where
all produce was marketed and all supplies bought. The milling was done on
an old tread wheel. In 1864, James Weir enlisted in Captain Cox's company,
and served on the frontier of Texas, guarding mostly at Brownsville, to keep
en the Mexican route open for supplies from Louisiana and Arkansas. At the
close of the War, he was still there when the forces disbanded and returned
James Weir married Catherine J. Morris, a daughter of Jefferson and Glorvina
Morris, natives of North Alabama. The Morris family came to Texas about 1845,
and settled in Red River County, afterward moving to Cherokee County.
Mr. and Mrs. Weir had thirteen children, ten of whom grew to maturity.
Glorvina, (born Dec. 15, 1854, died age twenty three years); Elizabeth, (born
Feb. 22, 1856, still lives at home; Samuel H., (born Aug.7, 1858, died in
1882); James H., born Jan.2, 1864, (now a farmer of Ellis County); Catherine,
(born May 21, 1866, married B. W. Stinson, farmer of this county); Thomas
J. born May 16, 1868, is at home); Linnie (married J. R. Slay, an Ellis County
farmer); Minnie (married Charles Searcy, a farmer and stock raiser this county);
Lilly R., ( born August 30, 1872, is at home); and Willie, (born May 3, 1874,
died March 19, 1887)
Catherine Morris Weir was born Dec. 25, 1837, and died June 27, 1885.
She was a life member of the Methodist Church.
Mr. Weir has served as school trustee, and affiliates with the Democratic
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