Pioneers of Ellis County
Dora Eva Smith Cody Green
Contributed by Frances Smith
Dora Eva Smith was born March 16, 1865, near Alma in Ellis County, Texas.
She was the fifth child and first daughter of John O. Smith and his
wife, Tilitha Ann Seitz Smith. She married twice and was the mother
of ten children, all deceased (2002). Her descendants are listed elsewhere.
I feel the need for a record of her life and character, made while
her memory is still vivid to those who knew and loved her.
She was born in the last year of the Civil War. Her father, John
P. Smith, served in Parson's Twelfth Cavalry, Company "H" recruited in 1862.
John would have had several brief furloughs home to rest and get clothes
and supplies. Dora said that between trips home, his boots wore out,
and he had to wrap his feet in rags. Sometimes he had only parched
corn to eat, and that corn had to be shared with his horse.
This was a difficult and anxious time for Tilitha Ann Smith. She
was left in charge of the farm and four little boys under the age of six,
and then had a new baby girl.
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