Pioneers of Ellis County
Thomas B. Jackson
Contributed by Jean Caddel
Thomas B. Jackson was born in Georgia Nov. 30, 1842, a son of Henry L.
Jackson, a native of North Carolina.
Henry Jackson lived in Tennessee and Georgia before coming to Texas in
1855, settling near Auburn in Ellis County. He married Ann Holland,
a daughter of John B. Holland of Georgia, who came to Texas about 1840. They
had the following children: John H. (farmer in Ellis County); Andrew (died
age 28 years); Benjamin F. (farmer Jackson County [no state]); Thomas B.(see
below); Elizabeth A. (married E. F. Fullerton of Bosque County, Tex.); Henry
B. (died age 17); Martha A. (married J. S. Campbell of Ellis County); Rebecca
S. (married R. Jones of Bosque County) and Joseph P. (died age 26 years).
Ann Jackson died in June 1853 and in December of the same year, Henry
married Miss Mary Prisley of Brazos County, Texas. There were nine
children by the second marriage. The family moved to Kaufman County,
Texas after Henry's death in December 1880.
Thomas B. Jackson came to Texas with his parents and lived in Coryell
County for a year before moving to Ellis County. When twenty (1862)
he enlisted in Co. C. 15th Texas Infantry and served mostly in Louisiana,
Arkansas and the Indian Nation. He was in eight battles, was captured but
never wounded. Two of his brothers also fought in the war and all returned
home safely.
Thomas married Margaret S. F. Burnett of Tennessee. They had the following
children: Malinda A. (b. April 30, 1869); Lawrence (b. Dec. 22, 1870); Ancel
(b. Feb. 18, 1878); Effa B (b. June 23, 1875); Rufus (b. June 16, 1877);
Frances (b. June 8, 1879); Floyd (b. April 1, 1881) Arthur (b. May
9, 1884 and Thomas M. (b. Oct. 14, 1886). Margaret Jackson died March
1, 1887 and Thomas married Mary J. Credille, a daughter of James H.
Credille. There were two children: Ophelia (b. July 27, 1889) and Luther
(b. Feb. 25, 1891).
Thomas Jackson died March 20, 1928.
[Source: A Memorial and Biographical History of Ellis County, Texas,
Lewis Pub. Co. Chicago, 1892]
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