Pioneers of Ellis County
Major H. High
Born Jan. 17, 1821 in Alabama; died March 4, 1894,
Bethel Community, Ellis County, a son of Robert A. and Mary Lyle High, both
of North Carolina. He married Elizabeth A. Mosley in 1838, (daughter of William
and Temperance Mosley, natives of Virginia) and they had eleven children.
Elizabeth died Nov. 14, 1876, age 52 years, 10 months 26 days. She
was first buried at old High Springs Cemetery and later reinterred in Bethel
after her husband's death.
The family came to Texas in 1852, locating first
in Freestone County, then moving to Ellis County after the Civil War.
High served in the militia, was slightly wounded at Vicksburg and taken prisoner
at Fort Donelson. He was a road overseer, school trustee, Mason, and member
of the Methodist Church.
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