OF Nacogdoches County, Texas
Please read the section on how to write a
query. It's very important that you give some thought to the
information in your query. Take advantage of the query system
to list the SURNAMES you are working on (only those relevant
to your current query and only those who were in Nacogdoches
County). If you are working on many different Nacogdoches
families, create several different queries.
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Please be SURE to give a valid email address with your query. |
Tips for Writing a Good Query
By Pamela Phillips,
First Nacogdoches County
TXGenWeb Project Coordinator
- Your GOAL is to submit a Query that will bring you
responses that provide you with the information you are
looking for, and to provide information that may be
helpful to others searching your surname. Your chances of
being successful will increase dramatically if you follow
the instructions below. Even if you do not get the
breakthrough of the century, a carefully constructed Query
has a good chance of putting you in contact with other
researchers who are engaged in the same search so that you
can pool what you do know and provide mutual
- So -- please be as *specific* as possible. Give full
names, give dates as specifically as you can, give place
wherever known. "I'm seeking as much information as
possible on John Smith" isn't very helpful and any
responses you get are likely to be just as vague and
unhelpful. "I'm seeking parents, siblings, any info
on John SMITH b. in the early 1800s, possibly in NC or SC,
and married Mary BROWN in AL sometime after 1850 is a
*lot* better. Listing children's names and birthdates/places
when known, and their spouses names when known also helps
to pinpoint a person in a particular family, especially
when they have a common surname.
- There is a growing concern among genealogists on the
Internet about asking for or providing information about
living individuals in the context of genealogical
- If you are searching for an old friend, or are
doing an adoption search, there are many, many
wonderful sites and sources on the Web that will both
support you in your search and provide you with the
help you need to be successful. Try the 'Adoption' and
"Finding People" categories at http://www.cyndislist.com/.
- If you do not know enough about earlier ancestors
to construct a good query, please interview those
relatives who are still living to find out as much
about their parents and grandparents as you can. Then,
query only about those who are already deceased. This
is also for your protection and that of your family,
as some people have made unscrupulous use of
information about living people.
- I personally think it is a very good idea to gather
the information you have, and write it down ahead of time
rather than making it up as you go along. It only takes a
couple of extra minutes and makes your query more
accurate, detailed and well-organized.
- When you input your query, email address, web site
address (URL) and name on the query form, please proofread
it. When I tested the New Query system, I found I had made
a typo. So, check carefully.
- Good luck! People *do* make important breakthroughs
through the use of county queries. I hope you will be one
of the lucky ones!

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