A couple of the best places to look for a researcher for hire is to
use the web site of the
for Certification of Genealogists or the
of Professional Genealogists. You can search their directories
online in several ways including by geographic specialty. They also
have tips on how to hire a professional genealogist.
East Texas Research Center provides limited research services and
will provide a list of private researchers who will do more extensive
searches. Many of their documents can be obtained via interlibrary
loan also.
The Kurth Memorial
Library, Ora McMullen Genealogy Room provides limited research
services and will provide a list of private researchers who will do
more extensive searches.
Note: The Nacogdoches County coordinator, The TXGenWeb Project and
The USGenWeb Project do not guarantee the contents of such research
materials and/or the expertise of any professional researchers. These
links are provided as a courtesy only. Many genealogy books have
sections with guidelines on how to hire a researcher and it is highly
recommended that you review such guidelines prior to hiring a

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