Cedar Grove Cemetery

Marion County TX


GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 32.78000, Longitude: -94.66940
Names linked to their Find A Grave memorial pages

Name Birth Death
Owens, Amos W Feb. 5, 1909 Feb. 18, 1998
Paige, Mattie L Sep. 9, 1893 Dec. 4, 1995
Parker, Roxie Sep. 19, 1901 Feb. 23, 1926
Patton, Alice Feb. 29, 1907 May 23, 1964
Patton, Alter Feb. 29, 1907 May 16, 1972
Patton, Bertha 1939 2010
Patton, Charlie, Jr 1937 Jul. 12, 1967
Patton, Dollie Aug. 15, 1925 Oct. 28, 1961
Patton, Doney Bell Feb. 15, 1917 Sep. 27, 2006
Patton, Esther Elizabeth Moon Dec. 31, 1909 Sep. 9, 1992
Patton, Ike Dec. 4, 1905 Apr. 27, 2002
Patton, John, Sr Feb. 24, 1904 Jul. 16, 1990
Patton, Laura Mar. 22, 1930 Jan. 9, 2006
Patton, Moon 1909 1964
Patton, Rena Nov. 16, 1970 Jun. 26, 1971
Patton, Stonewall, Sr 1877 Nov. 2, 1924
Patton, Stonewall, Jr 1912 1989
Patton, Thaddis L 1962 1964
Perry, Aubrey W 1936 2004
Perry, Florida Dec. 5, 1909 Sep. 16, 1960
Perry, Jim Rufus Jan. 16, 1921 Jan. 15, 1987
Perry, Mack Apr. 25, 1909 Mar. 6, 1978
Perry, Odessa Dec. 9, 1926 Jan. 12, 1950
Perry, Orelia 1945 2008
Perry, Richmond Aug. 5, 1897 Apr. 28, 1938
Perry, Robert Feb. 28, 1919 unknown
Perry, Ruthy J Dec. 10, 1882 Jun. 22, 1953
Perry, Sarah E "Lizzy" May 2 Mar. 5, 1917
Perry, Thomas Jun. 28, 1875 Jun. 18, 1961
Perry, Tracy Leon Oct. 17, 1962 Apr. 7, 1989
Poster, Martha Figuers Oct. 6, 1898 Mar. 6, 1960
Reese, Bertha Lou Oct. 5, 1938 Sep. 18, 2003
Reese, Richmond Mar. 27, 1938 Feb. 13, 2009
Reves, Will Jun. 15, 1895 Sep., 1925
Roberson, Chuck Mar. 6, 1900 Dec. 22, 1987
Roberts, Retha Apr. 4, 1937 Sep. 27, 1992
Rockwell, Ann Mar. 13, 1869 Sep. 22, 1944
Rockwell, Artis Lee Aug. 18, 1932 Apr. 25, 1954
Rockwell, C.B. Hobart Jan. 16, 1918 May 6, 1964
Rockwell, Choyce 1910 2012
Rockwell, Clinton Sep. 15, 1907 Feb. 24, 1963
Rockwell, Elijah Dec. 22, 1931 2013
Rockwell, Gradie Laverne Jun. 22, 1931 Feb. 24, 2000
Rockwell, James Edwin Aug. 25, 1929 Aug. 13, 2005
Rockwell, Jennie 1880 Aug. 17, 1923
Rockwell, Joe Dec. 25, 1875 Oct. 16, 1944
Rockwell, Laura A Mar. 11, 1902 Apr. 25, 1971
Rockwell, Malvin Richard Dec. 25, 1954 Mar. 7, 2001
Rockwell, Margarett Mar. 30, 1935 Oct. 25, 2000
Rockwell, Mayolar unknown Apr. 15, 1915
Rockwell, Raymond Earl Nov. 7, 1955 Feb. 23, 1956
Rockwell, Sallie 1877 1955
Rockwell, Samuel J Sep. 2, 1908 May 1, 1924
Rockwell, Vanoe Apr. 10, 1922 Apr. 12, 1970
Rockwell, Vergie Mar. 9, 1915 Dec. 20, 1988
Rockwell, Welborn Clement Jun. 15, 1939 Aug. 12, 2010
Rockwell, Willie unknown unknown
Rockwell, Willie Nov. 27, 1900 Feb. 23, 1954
Rockwell, Willie Calvin Mar. 15, 1933 Jul. 12, 2001
Rockwell, Willis 1883 1913

A-B   C-E    F-K     L-M     N-R     S-V     W-Z

Please note that as hard as we try, we are human. Sometimes we miss a grave here and there. If you know of an interment that is not listed here, unmarked graves, cemetery history, have added information for an interment, or have a gravesite picture you would like to see added, please contact the county coordinator. Our goal is to put as much information online as possible.

Cedar Grove Index



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