Cedar Grove Cemetery

Marion County TX


GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 32.78000, Longitude: -94.66940
Names linked to their Find A Grave memorial pages


Name Birth Death
Fenison, Emily Imunique "Emmie" May 17, 1992 Nov. 10, 2010
Fields, Argusta Oct., 1868 Apr. 18, 1915
Fields, Lenora 1913 1982
Fisher, Johnnie Faye Mar. 19, 1947 Jun. 1, 2011
Fisher, Vollie Mae 1898 1989
Fitzgerald, Glinis Dec. 12, 1966 Feb. 25, 1967
Floyd, Lucinda A Mar. 13, 1915 Jun. 4, 2002
Floyd, Roy Oct. 31, 1907 Jul. 31, 1998
Ford, Beulah Nov. 9, 1904 Oct. 11, 1982
Ford, Patrick unknown unknown
Frazier, Louella Feb. 4, 1908 Jan. 30, 1975
Frazier, Naomi Jones 1918 2000
Gaut, Darien 1989 1995
Gill, Fannie 1854 unknown
Gillard, Geneva L May 25, 1936 Mar. 28, 2010
Graham, Destiny Oct. 5, 1994 Jan. 9, 2006
Graham, J L Oct. 8, 1929 May 2, 2000
Gray, Florence Stevens Jan. 20, 1919 Aug. 20, 2005
Hardemon, R C 1922 1973
Harris, Stanford B, Jr Apr. 30, 1937 Jul. 10, 2010
Hawkins, Tsuni B 1919 1996
Henderson, Elizabeth McCane Jul. 14, 1883 Jan. 7, 1913
Henndon, Irene D unknown unknown
Hensley, David L "Big Dave" Aug. 6, 1965 Nov. 12, 2006
Hightower, Arthur Ty Jul. 14, 1905 Mar. 12, 1960
Hill, Ruthie Jean Oct. 15, 1946 Jan. 28, 1992
Holland, Henry 1918 1989
Holt, Lucille "Lucy" Apr. 1, 1900 Jan. 10, 1994
Hooper, Mary L Anderson Oct. 7, 1912 Feb. 4, 1963
Jimmerson, Bobby Glen Feb. 2, 1938 Dec. 30, 1978
Johnson, Alice May 6, 1892 May 11, 1892
Johnson, Andrew, Jr Feb. 11, 1910 Oct. 15, 1990
Johnson, Andrew unknown Jul. 3, 1939
Johnson, Christene M Apr. 9, 1950 Feb. 11, 1990
Johnson, David Jul. 14, 1892 Sep. 7, 1972
Johnson, Ella 1870 1957
Johnson, Lizzie Apr. 8, 1902 Dec. 31, 1984
Johnson, Renita Dec. 3, 1968 Mar. 29, 1969
Johnson, Walter Jun. 3, 1897 Aug. 7, 1900
Jones, Addie Mar., 1818 unknown
Jones, Andrew, Jr Aug. 23, 1941 Oct. 14, 1988
Jones, Annie L Oct. 18, 1918 Jun. 15, 2004
Jones, Benjamin F May 5, 1938 Jul. 28, 2004
Jones, Classie 1818 Sep. 19, 1912
Jones, David, Sr May 15, 1954 Apr. 17, 1999
Jones, Eark A Sep. 9, 1913 Mar. 25, 2000
Jones, Frank unknown Jun. 4, 1906
Jones, Ira Ray Mar. 19, 1911 Jun. 25, 1994
Jones, Jacob Rob Aug. 30, 1934 Jan. 28, 1999
Jones, Mary Dee Mitchell Feb. 28, 1911 Jul. 10, 2000
Jones, Maundrea Megon unknown unknown
Jones, Millard Aug. 10, 1946 Jan., 1987
Jones, Paul Wayne, Jr Feb. 4, 1970 Jul. 1, 1994
King, Da'Marcus May 24, 2001 Jan. 9, 2006


Please note that as hard as we try, we are human. Sometimes we miss a grave here and there. If you know of an interment that is not listed here, unmarked graves, cemetery history, have added information for an interment, or have a gravesite picture you would like to see added, please contact the county coordinator. Our goal is to put as much information online as possible.

Cedar Grove Index



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