1870 Mortality Schedule
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Transcribed by Renee Smelley in July 2002

The mortality schedule was transcribed from the 1870 mortality schedule microfilm and only contains one page.  I have transcribed this to the best of my ability.


Click on the thumbnail to view the Mortality Schedule image:


Schedule 2 ------Persons who died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870 in ________________ in the county of Medina, State of Texas, enumerated by me, G. Mangold, Ass't Marshal.

(Note: G. Mangold's first name is George as that is what is written at the bottom of the page where he signed it.)

Column Descriptions

Column 1 = Number of the family as given in the 2nd column of Schedule 1. (note: if you look at the 1870 census the family number on this mortality schedule will match a family number on the census.  This will tell you what family the person was living with.)

Column 2 = Name of every person who died during the year ending June 1, 1870, whose place of abode at the time of death was in this family.

Column 3 = Age last birth-day.  If under on year, give months in fractions.

Column 4 = Sex--Males (M.) Females (F.)

Column 5 = Color---White (W.), Black (B.), Mulatto (M.), Chinese (Ch.), Indian (I.)

Column 6 = Married (M.) or Widowed (W.)

Column 7 = Place of Birth, naming the State or Territory of the U.S., or the country, if of foreign birth.

Column 8 = Father of Foreign birth.

Column 9 = Mother of Foreign birth.

Column 10 = The Month in which the person died.

Column 11 = Profession, Occupation, or Trade

Column 12 = Disease or Cause of Death.

Family Name Age Sex Color Marriage Status Birth F-F B M-F B Month Profession Death
75 Naegelin, Louis 8/12 M W   Texas | | May   Measles
84 Naegelin, Magdelina 57 F W M France | | October   Note 1
102 Tondre, Joseph 4 M W   Texas | | August   Croup
113 Haass, Henry 74 M W M Bavaria | | March Farmer Suicide
124 Loesberg, Catharina 15 F W   Texas | | June   Consumption
176 Saathoff, Antze Note 2 71 F W M Hanover | | March Keeping House Note 3
250 Wantz, Fransisca 70 F W M France | | January   Note 4
288 Vehr, Joseph 74 M W M France | | November farmer Note 5
297 Vey, Catharina 88 F W M Prussia | | July Keeping House Note 6
339 Batot, Gustave 10/12 M W   Texas |   October   Fever
346 Vounan, Nelson Note 7 31 M W   New Jersey | | February Merchant Consumption
347 Mechler, Elisabeth 6 F W   Texas | | December   Croup
359 Tomerlin, Francis 62 F W W Georgia     June Keeping House Note 8
365 Brown, Ellen 2 F W   Texas     July   Scalded
397 Haass, Barbara 36 F W M France | | December Keeping House Note 9



Note Section


Note 1 = I can't read what was originally written on the line because it has been marked through.  Written above is the word Unknown.

Note 2 = I am unsure about the spelling of the first name.     


Note 3 = Infirmity of age has been written on the line.  The word Old has been written above.


Note 4 = Murdered by Indians has been written on the line, but the word murdered has been marked through.  Another word has been written above the word murdered, but I can't make out what the word says. 


Note 5 = Infirmity of age has been written on the line.  The words Old Age have been written above.


Note 6 = Infirmity of age has been written on the line and the word old has been written above.


Note 7 = I am unsure about the spelling of the surname.


Note 8 = Infirmity of age has been written on the line, but the words Old Age have been written above.


Note 9 = Dlivery of Child has been written on the line and Child Birth has been written above.



Definitions come from Austin County TXGenWeb's  page on Nineteenth Century Diseases



Consumption - A wasting away of the body; formerly applied especially to   pulmonary tuberculosis.  The disorder is now known to be an infectious  disease caused by the bacterial species Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Synonyms:  marasmus (in the mid?nineteenth century), phthisis.


Croup - Any obstructive condition of the larynx (voice box) or trachea   (windpipe), characterized by a hoarse, barking cough and difficult   breathing occurring chiefly in infants and children.  The obstruction could be caused by allergy, a foreign body, infection, or new growth (tumor).  In the early nineteenth century it was called cynanche trachealis.  The crouping noise was similar to the sound emitted by a chicken affected with the pip, which in some parts of Scotland was called roup; hence, probably, the term croup.  Synonyms:  roup, hives, choak, stuffing, rising of the lights.


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TXGenWeb, Medina County - 1870 Mortality Schedule updated on 11/10/2013

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