Willis, Charles

Miss Mattie Peerson and Mr. Charles Willis of Tyler were quietly married on Wednesday at 1 p.m., at the residence of the bride's mother.  The couple left on the north-bound train for Tyler, where they will make their future home.

Source: Transcription from the newspaper, The Houston Daily Post, published on 20 January 1896; located on the website, Chronicling America (, accessed 13 May 2024.

Wyse, John T. Jr.

Announcements have been received in the city of the marriage of Miss Annie Laurie Gilliam to Mr. John T. Wyse, Jr., at Tyler on June twenty second.  Miss Gilliam is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Gilliam of Tyler, and has been a resident of this city for two years and has during that time served as teacher in the public schools here.  She is a highly educated, talented and beautiful young lady and has hosts of friends in this city.  Mr. Wyse is a young business man of fine ability and high character.  He has been formerly connected with the Texas Oil company but is now with the United States Annuity Life Insurance company with headquarters at the present at Mineola.  Mr. and Mrs. Wyse are at home at Mineola until September 1st.  Their many friends wish them happiness.

Source: Transcription from the newspaper, The Greenville Morning Herald, published on 25 June 1910; located on the website, Chronicling America (, accessed 13 May 2024.

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Site updated on 20 January 2025.