Gary, Hampson

A beautiful wedding was celebrated here this evening in the Avenue Baptist church, when Miss Bessie Royall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Royall of this city, and Mr. Hampson Gary of Tyler were married by Rev. Isaac Sellers, D. D., in the presence of an assemblage that filled the flower laden church to overflowing.  The event created great interest, for Miss Royall and Mr. Gary have a large acquaintance throughout the State.  The bride is a graduate of Baylor college in Waco and Belmont college in Nashville, Tenn.  She spent the past year in New York at the National Conservatory of Music.  She is counted one of the belles and beauties of the State.  The groom is a graduate of the University of Virginia of the class of 1894; was a captain in the United States army during the Spanish-American war, and is now lieutenant colonel of the Third Texas regiment and a member of the legislature for the counties of Smith, Upshur and Camp.  He is a practicing lawyer in Tyler and, like his bride, is a native Texan.  Miss Effie Chisum of Paris was maid of honor.  The bridesmaids were Misses Mary Chilton, Samie Pegues and Bessie Whitaker of Tyler, Caroline Cone of San Marcos, Annie Vallette of St. Louis, Fannie Lake of Marshall, Bessie Reagan Ferguson and Beaulah Arnold of Palestine.  Mr. John Robertson of Dallas, a cousin of Mr. Gary, was the best man.  The ushers were Messrs. Robert K. Gaston, George Aldridge Robertson and Robert E. L. Saner of Dallas, F. H. Ingraham, Arch McDougal and Charles Herndon of Tyler, Captain G. Rees Fowler and Pickney Henderson of Palestine.  After the ceremony at the church there was a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Royall.  There were many wedding gifts from friends throughout Texas and the South, among the handsomest being a silver loving cup from the groom's colleagues in the house of representatives, a silver water service from the senate of Texas and silver table service from Company A, Third Texas infantry.  There were many guests from Tyler and Dallas, while several of the Eastern cities were represented by friends and relatives of the bride and groom who had traveled to Palestine especially for this occassion.  Many telegrams of congratulations reached the young people this evening before their departure for Washington, D. C., where they will spend the holidays.

Source: Transcription from the newspaper, The Houston Daily Post, published on 19 December 1901; located on the website, Chronicling America (, accessed 13 May 2024.

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