Parks, W. H.
Dr. W. H. Parks, a very popular and scientific physician and surgeon of Tyler, died here today at 4 o'clock. He had resided in Tyler for a long time, and his death brings sorrow to many hearts.
Source: Transcription from the newspaper, Fort Worth Daily Gazette, published on 5 November 1885; located on the website, Chronicling America (, accessed 9 March 2024.
Pike, J. B.
J. B. Pike, aged 43 years, died May 2, status epilepticus, Southwestern insane asylum. Interment Whitehouse Texas.
Source: Transcription from the newspaper, San Antonio Daily Light, published on 4 May 1904; located on the website, Library of Congress (, accessed 6 December 2024.
Price, Mary
Mrs. Mary Price died at the family home this morning at 4 o'clock, after an illness of several days from typhoid fever. The remains were carried to Bullard this afternoon for burial. Deceased leaves a husband and two children to mourn her sad death.
Source: Transcription from the newspaper, The Daily Courier, published on 16 April 1902; located on the website, The Portal to Texas History (, accessed 14 May 2024.