Athens Weekly Review
July 30, 1925
Knox Henderson

Mr. Knox Henderson was born near Marion, Ala., August 29, 1871. His parents brought him to Texas in 1872 and settled near Henderson, Rusk county; thence to Smith county in 1875. His father died in Smith county in 1885, and the family moved to Henderson county and settled in the Morrison Chapel community in 1886, near where the town of LaRue is now located.

Mr. Henderson had but little school advantages in early life. Where about nineteen years of age he entered Judge C. D. Owen's private school at New York, Texas, beginning in the sixth grade. When twenty-three years largest rural public school of the county and a member of the count board to examine teachers for certificates. In 1899 he quit teaching, married Mr. Anna Calhoun Martin, of Starkville, Miss., and settled in Athens where he began a small grocery business on the east side of the square. Besides his present wholesale grain and heavy grocery business, Mr. Henderson is president of the Hassell Mercantile Company, a $25,000 corporation at Frankston, Texas, and secretary-treasurer and general manager of the Patterson Lake Oil Company, a $100,000 corporation with its main office in Corsicana, Texas.

Besides Mr. Henderson’s active life in Business, he has found time to do his full part of church and state. He is an active member of the First Methodist church in Athens. Has been a local steward thirty-seven years; a district steward twenty-six years; superintendent of the Sunday School fifteen years and has represented the presiding elders district in which the Athens church is located, twenty-three years in the Texas annual conference. In 1924 he was one of the lay delegates that represented the Texas annual conference in the General Conference held at Knoxville, Tenn., at which conference the question of unification was submitted to the annual conferences for ratification. He has served as county chairman in two campaigns for prohibition. Both were successful.

He has always been a strong supporter of civic improvements. He favored and helped to put over our water works, sewerage and pavement improvements and has over one thousand feet of paved sidewalk to his credit.
During the world war he did his full part. He was a member of the Red Cross and liberty bond committees, chairman of the food administrator of Athens.

Mr. Henderson has four children, two daughters and two sons. Miss Ruth is now in Europe studying the languages and music of the leading countries of that continent. Hugh graduated at Southern Methodist University in 1924, and is now operation in the Eastland county oil field. Knox Jr., and Lois, are with their parents in Athens.

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