Athens Weekly Review
Sept. 3, 1925
J. R. Gauntt

Mr. J. R. (Bob) Gauntt is a native Henderson county son, having been born in this county on December 14, 1859. His education has been received here and practically his whole life has been spent within the boundary lines of Henderson county. Mr. Gauntt was reared on a farm, and during his early life spent many years engaged in the transfer business. Then he became a member of the R. L. Gauntt Co., and ten years he spent in the grocery business in Athens. At present he is the senior member of the firm, Athens Marble & Granite Works. This business he established fifteen years ago, and is, and has been doing a fine business. His partner, Mr. Lacy, is a practical marble cutter, and this firm is enjoying a trade from a wide territory. With the motto-- "Best Workmanship: they have earned a wide name in their line.

Mr. Gauntt has been twice married. When twenty-two years of age he was married to Miss Nina Curtis and to them seven children were born, one son and six daughters. Three years ago his wife passed away, and a year ago he was married to Mrs. Florence Speak.

Mr. Gauntt has been interested in his home town and has served to the best of his ability as a member of the council for about eight years. This was some years ago. He served the city as a member of the school board twenty years, which shows that he is willing to render a service which requires much attention and care, without any remuneration. But Mr. Gauntt loves his home town and is ever ready to do his part in furthering its interest. He is a member of the Masonic lodge, and also the W. O. W. He is an active member of the Baptist church.

Mr. Gauntt's company has recently installed modern machinery for use in cutting marbles and granite. A compressed air drill enables them to turn out work more rapidly. With the installation of modern equipment they should be able to extend their trade territory.

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