Athens Weekly Review
Aug. 9, 1925
George William Allison
Mr. George W. Allison was born in the adjoining county of
Anderson on May 26, 1865.
His parents came to Henderson county when he was an infant and
the remainder of his
life has been spent within the limits of Henderson county, with
the exception of short
periods spent elsewhere. He grew up and was educated here and at
Sam Houston
Normal. During his early life Mr. Allison taught school seven
years, a part of which
time was spent in Greer county, Texas. This particular county was
for a time disputed
territory. The dispute being between Oklahoma and Texas, was
settled in Federal
court and Oklahoma, who laid claim to the territory comprising
Greer county was
successful in winning the suit, and what was Greer county, Texas,
many years ago,
is now a part of Oklahoma, and still bears the original name. And
Mr. Allison taught
school there. He started in to take a law course in the State
University, but owing to
the death of his father his studies at the State institution were
interrupted and he
bad to come home without securing his degree. However, he kept up
his studies
at home and in 1895 he was admitted to practice law, which he has
done a great
deal of the time since then, making a specialty of land titles.
For some time he
was employed in the Federal land bank at Houston. In his routine
of work it fell
to his lot to pass upon land titles in one of the first loans
made by the government
after establishing the office at Houston. This was along about
1917, during the
late war. When a young man Mr. Allison served three terms as
county surveyor.
His failing health has impaired activities, and in the recent
election he made the
race for justice of the peace in District 1, defeating three good
men for the office.
He is now serving in that capacity.
On December 23, 1900, Mr. Allison was married to Miss Annie Jones
of Brandon,
Hill county. They have one son, G. W. Allison, Jr., age 14.
Judge Allison has been a life-long, active Democrat, as well as a
splendid citizen,
who loyally supports his home town.
Athens City Cemetery:
G. W. Allison 05/26/1865 - 06/29/1929
Annie Allison 11/16/1876 - 06/04/1946
George W., Jr., 09/21/1910 - 08/26/1980
Submitted by Aaron Freeman
Henderson County TXGenWeb Project
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