Zimmerman House

Floydada, Floyd County, Texas
Address: 516 South First Street, Floydada, Texas
Directions: South First Street and West Georgia Street
Marker #: 5153005953
Year Dedicated: 1990
Size, type: Medallion and Plate
Last reported condition: Good
Zimmerman House
Oregon native Fred Zimmerman, Sr. (1885-1954) came to the Texas Panhandle in 1916. He acquired a number of farm properties in the area and began a thirty-eight-year career of farming and ranching in Floyd and Deaf Smith counties. In 1930 Zimmerman hired Wichita Falls architect Ray C. Arnhold to design this house. A fine example of pueblo revival architecture, the stuccoed brick house features hand-hewn beams, vigas, and columns. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1990
Decimal degrees: 33.980610, -101.342609
Degrees, minutes: N 33 58 50.2 W 101 20 33.4