Masons on the 1841 Texan Santa Fe Expedition

Masonic Marker
Address: 25 mi. E on FM 97; 5 mi. N on FM 1065
Directions: from Lockney, take FM 97 East about 25 miles, then take FM 1065 north about 5 miles.
Marker #: None
Year Dedicated: 1987
Size, type: 18" x 28" Subject
Last reported condition: Good
Masons on the 1841 Texan Santa Fe Expedition
In memory of the twenty-two Freemasons who were members of the ill-fated Texas Santa Fe Expedition on 1841. In their possession was a dispensation from Anthony Butler, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas, to form Santa Fe Lodge No. 15, located within the territorial jurisdiction of Texas. Due to the Expedition’s failure to reach the New Mexican colonies, the dispensation did not arrive in Santa Fe and was revoked by the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas in 1844. Montezuma Lodge No. 109 was later chartered in Santa Fe by the Grand Lodge of Missouri on May 8, 1851. The known Freemasons on the 1841 Texan Santa Fe Expedition were:Valentine Bennet
George Bernard
George W. Bonnell
James Burke
Joel T. Case
William G. Cooke
Samuel Flint
George T. Howard
Stephen Z. Hoyle
Radcliff Hudson
William H. Hunt
Myers F. Jones
George W. Kendall
J. C. F. Kenneymore
Henry A. Kuykendall
John J. Lewis
Thomas S. Lubbock
L. F. Marguret
Hugh McLeod
Ira Munson
Jose Antonio Navarro
James H. Winchell
Dedicated by the Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M.
John E. Jack Kelly, Grand Master
August 30, 1987
Decimal degrees: 34.299387, -101.059875
Degrees, minutes: N 34 17 57.8 W 101 03 35.5