Organization of Floyd County

Floydada, Floyd County, Texas
Address: Fm 784, at Courthouse
Directions: Courthouse lawn, FM 784, Floydada, Texas
Marker #: 5153003867
Year Dedicated: 1990
Size, type: 27" x 42" Subject
Last reported condition: Good
Organization of Floyd County
Floyd County was created by the Texas Legislature in 1876. The Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Company began building westward from Wichita Falls, resulting in increased settlement of the area. Ranchers T. J. Braidfoot and J. R. McLain formed a partnership in 1887 to establish a town they hoped to promote as county seat. Named Della Plain, it soon boasted homes, businesses, and civic institutions. As more homesteaders settled northwest of Della Plain, a town named Lockney was created in 1889. Soon there was rivalry over which town would be named county seat. In 1890 M. C. Williams and J. K. Gwynn selected this site for a town called Floyd City. In an election held on May 28, 1890, the voters chose Floyd City as county seat. Officers elected were: Arthur B. Duncan, County Judge; John C. Hendrix, County Attorney; R. T. Miller, County and District Clerk; D. W. Jenkins, Sheriff and Tax Collector; E. E. Keeley, County Treasurer; L. C. Darby, Tax Assessor; W. M. Massie, Surveyor; and C. F. Ramsey, T. B. Michael, W. R. Vandeveer, and B. P. Merrell, County Commissioners. When a post office was established in September, the name of the town was changed to Floydada. (1990)
Decimal degrees: 33.984965, -101.334791
Degrees, minutes: N 33 59 05.9 W 101 20 05.2