First National Bank of Floydada

Floydada, Floyd County, Texas
Address: 124 South Main Street, Floydada, Texas
Directions: 124 South Main Street
Marker #: 5153001796
Year Dedicated: 1990
Size, type: 18" x 28" Subject
Last reported condition: Good
First National Bank of Floydada
The James B. Posey Bank, established in Floydada in the 1890s, became the Floyd County Bank in 1900 when L. T. Lester joined Posey as a partner. In 1903, with the granting of a federal charter, the name changed once again to First National Bank. Lester served as first president, and the original stockholders included Posey, Lester, Columbus Surginer, Will W. Nelson, R. C. Andrews, J. R. Burrus, and John N. Farris, who succeeded Lester as president in 1911. The bank has occupied this site since 1912, and throughout its history has played an important part in Floyd County's development. (1990)
Decimal degrees: 33.984849, -101.334881
Degrees, minutes: N 33 59.091 W 0101 20.093