First Methodist Church of Floydada

Floydada, Floyd County, Texas
Address: 201 West Kentucky Street, Floydada, Texas
Directions: 201 West Kentucky Street
Marker #: 5153001753
Year Dedicated: 1990
Size, type: 27" x 42" Subject
Last reported condition: Good
First Methodist Church of Floydada
The roots of Methodism in Floyd County can be traced to the 1880s, prior to the founding of Floydada and the formal organization of the county. Circuit riding preachers ministered to pioneer settlers at Della Plain (5 mi. N), and occasional worship services were held in a general store owned by J. S. McLain. After the county was organized in 1890 and Floydada was named county seat, the Northwest Conference of the Methodist Church established a congregation here. Initially served by The Rev. W. F. Ford, the membership held worship services in the local schoolhouse. In 1902 a community church was erected in the 300 block of N. Main Street. Although legally owned by the Methodists, the sanctuary was also used by other denominations in town. The building was moved to this site in 1913 and replaced by a red brick structure in 1918. As the congregation continued to grow, plans were made for larger church facilities. New buildings were erected beginning in 1953, and the red brick church was eventually razed. For over one hundred years, the First Methodist Church of Floydada has served the community with worship, educational, and outreach programs. (1990)
Decimal degrees: 33.981422, -101.336324
Degrees, minutes: N 33 58.885 W 0101 20.179