First Baptist Church of Floydada

Floydada, Floyd County, Texas
Address: 401 South Main, Floydada, Texas
Directions: 401 South Main
Marker #: 5153001689
Year Dedicated: 1991
Size, type: 27" x 42" Subject
Last reported condition: Good
First Baptist Church of Floydada
On July 19, 1891, The Rev. I. B. Kimbrough and a small group of worshipers met in the dugout home of Joe Arnold to organize the Floyd City Baptist Church. The congregation conducted early worship services in the North Side School building and at the local Methodist church. After the town's name was changed to Floydada, the church was renamed First Baptist Church of Floydada. Several traveling ministers served the congregation during its early years. The Rev. R. E. L. Muncy was called as first resident pastor in 1897, and he organized the first Sunday School in 1899. The congregation completed its first frame sanctuary at this site in 1908. Over the years additional property was acquired and larger structures were built to serve the growing membership. Throughout its history, the First Baptist Church has served the community with a variety of worship, educational, and outreach programs. The members and pastors have placed an emphasis on both foreign and home mission activities. The church continues to play an important role in Floyd County history. (1991)
Decimal degrees: 33.980801, -101.334413
Degrees, minutes: N 33 58.848 W 0101 20.065