916 Austin Street
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description:  Clow's 1st Addition to the Original Townsite of Coleman, Block 25, 75x232.5 feet.


1916 map (no detail map was made)

The house at 916 Austin Street was probably built between 1916 and 1923.  The lot it was built on covered more than a quarter of the block, east of what became Columbus Street.  This lot was later divided into lots where houses at 904 Austin Street, 906 Austin Street and 912 Austin Street were later built.  In 1923, there was a barn and outbuildings, in addition to the dwelling.

1923 map

The first map showing detail of Block 25 of Clow's Addition Number 1, is the map of 1923.  Before that time, the area had been surveyed, but not developed.  By 1930, the north half of Block 25 was developed as the Cameron Sub-Division, and the south half as the Morris Sub-Division.  Originally the roadway dividing Block 25, running north and south between Austin and Live Oak Streets, was not named nor aligned with Columbus Street to the south.  By 1948, what became a north extension of Columbus Street was moved west to line up with Columbus Street.  (Note from Ralph Terry:  On the 1923 map, there is a dwelling in the lot of the large house, facing Fifth Avenue, just above the "C," with a line marking the lot to the left of it.  This is thought to be a servant house for the big house facing Fifth Avenue.)

1930 map

1948 map

"In 1929, Matt Martin, and his wife Anna, owned and were residing at 1016 (later 916) Austin Street.  He was a cotton buyer."   (Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)  (Note from Ralph Terry:  It is not known whether the house numbers in this block were originally the 1000s and later changed to the 900s, or if the 1929 directory was incorrect in its listing.)

Matt Martin and his family were living at 916 Austin as early as 1929, according to the.  It is not known if he built the house or purchased it.  He was living on Pecos Street when the 1920 census was taken.  He bought and sold many properties in Coleman during the 1920s and 1930s.

916 Austin Street - taken May 2005

The property at 916 Austin Street was transferred from Ann (Martin) Lisso to Ola Jean Alderson in December 1986,
from Ola Jean Anderson to Russel D. Alderson in May 2020,
from Russell D. Alderson to the Camjen Trust (Cameron and Jenny Hanson) in Mar 2023.

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