News Tibits
3 Nov. 1904

Source:  Burnet Bulletin, 3 Nov 1904
transcribed by JoAnn Myers, 1 March 2008

Oat Meal Dots.
Several Oat Meal people attended church at Cow Creek today.

W. P. Lester and family went to Marble Falls today to put their children in school.
W. C. Cehand and wife spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Cromeans.

Arch Davidson returned to his home at Jonah today; he had been visiting friends and relatives here for the past week.
Miss Tommie Cehand has been spending the latter part of the week with her friend Miss Pearl Stewart at Cedar Mill.

Misses Belle Warwick and Maude Cehand spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Cal Warwick.
Mr. Lewis Kincheloe of Mt. Zion spent last Wednesday night with his uncle, J. C. Watkins, of this place.

Singing last Sunday night at Mr. Miles Gilcrease's.
Mrs. Will Smith has been visiting her sister, Mrs. G. P. Lester at Mormon Mills for the past week.



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