Backbone Bits King's Springs, Burnet Co., September 5, 1878 Ed. Bulletin: Culbertson's gin is booming. The gin is crowded, and cotton is being baled up faster than ever before in Burnet County. Crops along the river are much better than in other parts of the Valley. Mr. Seaborn Harwell, an old settler who has been living on the river since 1852, says he has the finest crop of cotton this year he has had before in the past eight years. He has perhaps the finest crop in the county. It will average three-fourths of a bale to the acre. Cotton will average along the river one-half bale to the acre. A good many citizens of the Valley attended a grand tournament, barbecue and dance, which was held in Llano county, about 5 miles south of Wolf's Crossing on Wednesday, the 4th inst. A large crowd was in attendance, and the occasion was one of great enjoyment to all present, and passed off smoothly and with no accident. The tournament was participated in by 15 Knights, and the riding was well executed. The first prize, a fine $18 saddle, was won by King Tate. Second prize, a $12 Mexican hat, was won by Henry Cherry. Third prize, a fine pair of boots, was won by Jim Tate. The ball was a grand affair, and lasted all night long. Ample provisions were left from the barbecue for supper that night and breakfast next morning. Mrs J. P. Noble has been dangerously ill for some days past. Cotton picking progressed prosperously. TAR HEEL. |
Weather pleasant. We have had several showers this week, and a good prospect for more. Your correspondent has the pleasure of announcing another matrimonial splice. Mr. Saunders and Miss Mollie Slaughter, on the 5th inst., enlisted on board the hymenial ship, to battle upon the ocean of life, its storms and its calms as man and wife. At this rate and in this manner the "lillies of the Valley" will soon all be gathered "home sweet home." Judge Terrell did not make his appearance among us plebians on the 30th. However, Judge Cook and Capt. -- no, Col, --no, Gen. -- no Chief Justice Whitaker, that's the man, honored the Valley with their presence on the 30th and of course you know the consequence. Sid hoc hoclenus. JENKS ![]() The Lampasas Daily Times, after having served its period of usefulness, bid the world adieu on the 31st ult.
At Llano, on the 1st inst., Mr. George Meredith to Miss Mary Malone, both of Hoover's Valley.
J. T. Bozarth ![]() Dobyville Doings, Sept. 10, 1878
We have had a few chills occasionally in our neighborhood during the hot weather of the last two months. Prof. W. E. Adkins began teaching the free school at this place. |