S. S. Tanner
On Sunday afternoon July 21, 1929, Mrs.
Mary Jane Tanner, wife of S.
S. Tanner now deceased, passed from this life. The remains
were taken to Burnet Monday for interment in the Odd Fellows’
cemetery by the side of her husband and son. The funeral service
was conducted by Bro. L.V. Nobles,
a minister of the Church of Christ. The active pall bearers
were: Dayton Behrns, Frank Tow,
Bill Farris, E. L. Hallmark.
Almost the entire population of Tow Valley and people from Bluffton,
Burnet and perhaps other places were present to show their love and
respect for our beloved friend and neighbor.
Mrs. Tanner, (Mary Jane Holman),
was born in Texas in 1850 and Texas has been her home the entire 79
years of her life. She was married to John Eckland Tanner in 1874, to this
union a daughter, Lena was
born. Several years after the death of her first husband she
married his brother S. S. Tanner
in Burnet in 1885. Where the new hotel in Burnet now stands was the old
Tanner home site. A son Barney,
came to be a joy to his parents until his death eight years ago.
In 1896 Mrs. Tanner with her family moved to Tow and located on the
Burnet County side of the Colorado where she lived the remainder of her
Yes, Aunt Jane has fallen asleep to awaken in that Heavenly home, that
God has prepared for those who love Him, and Aunt Jane did love Him as
she manifested, not be long prayers in public places, but “in as
much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye
have done it unto me.” She made no distinction she loved
all whom she met. In all the years the writer has known Aunt Jane
I have never heard her make an unkind remark, and when others mentioned
her it was always with love. She had no enemies, no one could
feel Aunt Jane’s hand shake and kiss and look onto her face free
from all malice and full of love and be her enemy. Tho we feel we
need her presence and example we must learn to say “Thy will be
done,” and get what comfort we can in knowing she was ready and
willing to go, and think of her awakening in that home where eternal
joy is promised.
She leaves a daughter, Miss Lena
Tanner, three nieces whom she mothered after the death of their
own mother, Mrs. C. M. Morgan,
Mrs. T. W. W. Tumlinson,
and Mrs. V. H. Farris, a
brother T. J. Holman of Lamesa and a sister, Mrs. Sallie Cherry of Cleveland,
Texas and many friends who will feel her loss.
Card of Thanks
I desire to express my appreciation to my many friends for their
kindness, assistance, and many words of love and sympathy given me
during the long illness and death of my beloved mother. May the
Heavenly Father reward each and every one of you for your kind and
noble deeds.
I also wish to thank you for the beautiful floral offering, and
especially do I thank Brother Noble for his comforting words.
Lena Tanner
The above appeared in The Burnet Bulletin, Thursday, August 4, 1929 |
