Mrs. A. E. Sudduth,
formerly a resident of Burnet, and the possessor of many warm friends
among our citizens, died last Thursday, February 22nd 1923, at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Bowden in Lampasas. The body was interred Friday in the Fairland Cemetery, Rev. Bishop of Bertram conducting the funeral service.
Mrs. Sudduth was born April 25th 1849, in Como, Tennessee. Had
she lived until her next birthday she would have been 74 years of
age. She moved to Burnet County with her family about 40 years
ago and spent the greater portion of this time in the Fairland section
and in Burnet.
She is survived by two sons and four daughters as follows: Ben Sudduth of Matador, Texas; Henry Sudduth of Taylor; Mrs. Dora Garrett of Dallas, Georgia; Mrs. Alice Bowden of Lampasas; Mrs. Chas Haynie of Wichita Falls, and Mrs. W. A. Hall of Bertram.
Mrs. Sudduth was a loving mother, a kind neighbor, and a friend that
could be relied upon in times of trouble, and tribulations. She
possessed a kind heart that always beat in sympathy with those in
distress, and which made her many true and loyal friends.
Her death was a shock to her friends and the friends of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Hall
who resided with her a number of years in this place and the Bulletin
voices the sentiments of numerous Burnet acquaintenances in
extending to the bereaved family, and Mrs. Hall especially, their
profoundest sympathy in the love of their good mother.
