
James Columbus Shuford
was born December 23rd, 1854, in Hallettsville, Lavaca County, and died
at Cottonwood, Callahan County, March 5, 1911, aged 57 years. His
disease was an abcess on one of his lungs, and although he had been in
declining health for years. When there was a stoppage of the flow
of the abcess, death came very soon, almost without warning.
The deceased came to Burnet in the year 1871, then to Rising Star,
Eastland county in 1887. On November 6th, the same year he was
married to Miss Winnie L. Breeding
of Cottonwood. At one time he was Deputy Sheriff of Eastland
county, and made a brave, vigilant officer. He lived in Eastland
County until January 1890, then moved to Cottonwood where he has since
lived. He left behind him to mourn his loss, besides his own
immediate family of wife, son and daughter, one brother and three
sisters, -- Ed. D. Shuford of Burnet, Mrs. S. S. Moore of Austin, Mrs. Kate L. Graham of Aplin, Callahan County, Mrs. Nannie Kinser of Marble Falls; besides a large circle of friends in Burnet and Callahan.
A sad feature of his death, as in the case of many families when the
circle is broken, was the deceased was separated from his blood
relatives; but he was a member of the Baptist church, and these
relatives do not mourn as they who have no hope, but as Christians
themselves can be consoled with the thought of a glorious reunion
beyond the skies.
Columbus Shuford's
name has never been inscribed upon the roll of fame, but as one of the
rank and file--as a citizen, Woodmen, Christian, he did his duty as he
knew it, and leaves to those who loved him, what is better than
the glory some men achieve -- a stainless name. Peace to his
memory! May God comfort the widow and the orphans and may the
loved ones meet him where the Savior shall "wipe away all tears
from their eyes."
A Friend
Burnet, March 20th, 1911
