A gloom was cast over the entire town last Sunday morning when the sad news came that W. D. Roper
had breathed his last at six o'clock that morning. He had been
confined to his room several weeks but was thought to be improving only
a short time before the death angel knocked at his door.
Mr. Roper was one
of our most noble men in many respects. He was honest, was a
devoted Christian and a gentleman in every sense of the work, and his
death will be mourned by a large concourse of friends.
He was born in Forsyth county, Georgia, and came to Texas with his
parents in 1859; was married September 26, 1872. He has been a
consistent member of the Baptist church since 1884, and of late years a
deacon in the church at this place.
He passed over the river of death to reap his reward for good done on
this earth last Sunday morning at six o'clock and his remains were laid
to rest in the Roper cemetery in Pleasant Valley, the same day at six
o'clock p.m. No better man has ever lived among us than was Mr. Roper, and it is with a sad heart that we record his death in this issue.
Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones.
