It is with a sad heart that we record the death of Mrs. Ponton at her home last Friday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. She was a n oble woman and the mother of a noble family.
She had been a patient sufferer for several weeks, but hope was
entertained for her recovery till a short time before she passed away.
She was the mother of Lonnie Ponton of this place and Prof. Joel Ponton of Spicewood.
Mrs. Ponton was 64
years, 4 months and 22 days of age. We extend our heartfelt
sympathy to the bereaved ones who mourn her loss.
Her remains were laid to rest in the City Cemetery Saturday morning at
10 o'clock in the presence of a large concourse of sympathizers. Rev. J. W. Durham conducted the funeral service in a very appropriate manner.
