Mrs. C.L. Mosteller Dead
C. L. Mosteller died Thursday afternoon, June 17, at 4 o'clock at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Craft, where she has made her home for a
number of years. She was born in Arkansas, October 19th, 1842, and came
to Texas when 4 or 5 years of age with her family who settled near
Georgetown and moved to Burnet county in 1855 where she was reared.
was married to C. L. Mosteller July 14th, 1885, he having died November
26, 1917. She is the youngest of eleven children, and has one sister,
Mrs. Eliza Mullins of this city, four step-children: Charles Mosteller
of Austin; Walter Mosteller of Pilot Point; Horace Mosteller of Dallas,
and Mrs. Ellen Lackey of Waco, and one grandson, Walter Mosteller, who
she reared, in Schenectady, N.Y., besides a number of nephews and
nieces. She was a life-long member of the Christian church, of which
she was a faithful worker.
Funeral services were held Friday
afternoon from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Craft, and interment
made in the Alexander cemetery, a few miles southeast of town, Rev. L.
Williams, pastor of the Christian church, conducting the services. the
pall bearers were nephews of the deceased: John Alexander, Jasper
Alexander, Jim Mullins, Clebe Alexander, Robert Alexander and Adkins
Alexander. The deceased had many friends who extend their sympathy to
the relatives in their sorrow.
[First name and maiden name of Mrs. Mosteller was furnished by Joel E. Frazier. Mrs. Mosteller was his G.G. Aunt.]
