From a pamphlet put out by the Office of the Grand Royal Arch
chapter of Texas Masonic Lodge.
It becomes my sad duty to announce that the dread summons has come
to our little circle of Past Grand Officers, and has been answered
and obeyed by our beloved Companion.
Who exchanged this mortal for that immortal life in a few brief
moments after a stroke of paralysis at Chadvon, Nebraska, on May
21st, 1908.
He was born in Pulaski, Georgia, in July 1823. His grandfather,
John Moses, was a Virginian who removed to South Georgia about
1790. His father, Neal Moses, served for a short time in the
war of 1812 in a command stationed at Savannah, Georgia. In 1836 Neal
Moses died, leaving a wife and six children, of whom Norton was the
oldest. He was brought up by a pious mother and educated to a limited
extent in the common schools of the country. After age eighteen years
he taught school and assisted his mother in the education of his
brothers and sisters, at the same time pursuing his own studies.
In the winter of 1845-46, with two companions, he started for
Texas and landed in Galveston on January 1st, 1846. He taught school
for a few years in Washington County, and visited Austin while the
Legislature was in session which ratified the Articles of Annexation
of Texas to the Union. In 1847 he returned to Georgia and married and
with his wife returned to Texas and settled in Washington County,
where he remained until 1863, when he removed to Burnet County, then
on the frontier. In the old home on the Gabriel, ten miles from
Burnet, the family of nine boys and three girls were raised and all
but one of them are now living.
He was a member of the Fifteenth Texas Legislature in the House in
1876. He was also a member of the Twenty-first Legislature. He was
one of the most vigilant painstaking and hard working members of the
House, discharging his duties with conscientious faithfulness and
intelligence and it is not too much to say that he had as much
influence with his Colleagues, and his opinions were held in as much
respect by them, as any member of the House.
He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for more than
sixty years, and for seventeen years was Moderator of the Austin
Baptist Association.
His Masonic record is as follows: He was made a Master Mason in
the old McLennan Lodge No. 159 in Washington, County in the latter
fifties, and a Royal Arch Mason in the old Lampasas Chapter, now
demissed, [demised] about 1869. He was made a Knight Templar in
Colorado Commandery No. 1, and was a member of Ben Hur Temple at
Austin. He served as Grand High priest of the Grand Royal Arsh
Chapter of Texas in 1872-73, and as Grand Master of the Grand
Lodge of Texas in 1877-78. He was a member of the Committee on
Work of the Grand Chapter for about twenty-five years, and had
probably traveled more miles, visited more Lodges and Chapters, and
assisted in conferring the degrees upon more candidates than any
other member of the Order in Texas. His pride was in the Chapter
work, on which he was considered an authority. During the past
forty-eight years he has been a regular attendant upon the Grand
Bodies, missing but three meetings in all that period.
Thus ends a
busy and useful career. A life that was full of noble acts and
generous deeds. A faithful friend and counselor, devoted to Masonry
and its principles. One widely known as a teacher of the ritual. His
inflexible integrity and honesty of purpose, combined with a kindly,
genial disposition, endeared him to the hearts of all.
His remains were brought back to Texas and laid at rest beside
those of his wife in the family burying ground at Strickling on June
1st. The funeral services were conducted by Robert Lee Lodge, No.
431, assisted by masons from different parts of the State.
In honor of our deceased Companion, let the symbols of mourning be
displayed in all subordinate Chapters for the usual period, and this
memorial be read at the first state convocation after it's receipt,
and made a part of the record.
Added by Tad Moses, a
grandson, August 1, 1969...
Only one member of the Norton Moses family is now alive. This is
Martin W. Moses, 3301 Lafayette, Austin, Texas. He will be 98
years old October 6, 1969.
Norton Moses married 5 times. The last names of his
wives and the names of the children by each, follows:
1st. Johnson - Son, Ealy J. Moses
2nd. Moore - Sons, Amzy and Egbert; daughter,
Laureta Moses
3rd. Hill - Son, Sam Moses
4th. Mrs. Abraham Binkley - Sons, Will, Dayton,
Martin and Andy Moses - daughter, Inez Moses
Mrs. Binkley was a widow with three children --Washington, Mary
and Emma Binkley. Her maiden name was Lucy Ann
Lewis. My father was Dayton Moses, Jr. but have
always been called by the nickname "TAD"
5th. Crozier, a widow, after he was well past 80. She was
nearly as old. They eloped to Lampasas in a buggy. His children would
not let them live together.
Wife No. 4 is buried at Strickling. The first three are buried in
Washington County, I think.

Fort Worth Telegram
4 June 1908
Bury Norton Moses
Texan Interred Near Burnet -- Body Long on Way
Special to the Telegram
Burnet, Texas, June 4. -- The body of the late Norton Moses
arrived here yesterday morning in charge of two of his sons, after a
delay of nearly two weeks from South Dakota by reason of the floods and
quarantine laws of some of the states. The body was carried to
Strickling, ten miles east of Burnet, by the Masons and interred in the
old family burial grounds.
Colonel Moses was known by almost every resident of Burnet county.