Sorted by Groom's Last Name |
Groom's Name |
Bride's Name |
Date Of Marriage |
Book G Page # |
Bates, A M |
Ayers, Nansey J |
01/07/1891 |
140 |
Border, W H |
Ebeling, Clara |
01/22/1891 |
142 |
Breazeale, H |
Pankey, L C (Mrs) |
03/25/1891 |
151 |
Burman, R A |
Yett, Nora L |
05/07/1891 |
155 |
Bush, R L |
Ferguson, Bettie |
04/15/1891 |
154 |
Camp, F H |
Maddox, Iola |
02/28/1891 |
147 |
Carlisle, James N |
Crenshaw, Clara L (Mrs) |
09/01/1891 |
171 |
Chamberlain, B B |
Kincheloe, Mollie A |
12/22/1891 |
181 |
Clendenan, W R |
Beasley, Nancy E |
10/15/1891 |
174 |
Corbin, J A |
Thornton, Ettie |
12/24/1891 |
183 |
Croft, B A |
Stewart, Lula |
01/05/1891 |
141 |
Crownover, G L |
Norris, Etta |
12/16/1891 |
186 |
Crownover, J L |
Hargrove, Orlena |
05/06/1891 |
155 |
Cureton, Berry |
Bonards, C A L |
11/16/1891 |
176 |
Deere, C M |
Holland, Mary |
11/22/1891 |
178 |
Dempesey, J W |
Murphy, Lena |
11/29/1891 |
178 |
D'spain, J R |
Hartley, Hannah E |
11/13/1891 |
179 |
Edwards, A H |
Mccarty, Mary (Mrs) |
02/01/1891 |
143 |
Elliott, D F |
Trammell, Mollie E |
03/01/1891 |
149 |
Epperson, J T |
Crews, A L (Mrs) |
07/15/1891 |
162 |
Fisher, T E |
Shilling, Sallie Belle |
06/29/1891 |
161 |
Fowler, J M |
Hartson, S B |
02/22/1891 |
146 |
French, J M |
Mcinnish, Susie |
02/12/1891 |
145 |
Garrett, W T |
Laurence, Dora F |
08/16/1891 |
170 |
Gentle, Thomas |
Perry, Margaret (Mrs) |
11/17/1891 |
176 |
Green, W E |
Chestnut, Lou |
01/25/1891 |
144 |
Hart, W E |
Roark, S J |
05/14/1891 |
157 |
Heill, W H |
Smart, D E |
12/24/1891 |
183 |
Hood, H A |
Marcus, Ida O |
07/29/1891 |
167 |
Hood, James A |
Bradshaw, Mattie |
08/12/1891 |
169 |
Hoynie, C B |
Sudduth, Emma B |
03/04/1891 |
147 |
Johnson, W C |
Willis, M J (Mrs) |
08/12/1891 |
169 |
Joy, James A |
Bible, Kate |
03/15/1891 |
150 |
Kelley, J D |
Whiteley, Cyrinia |
08/12/1891 |
171 |
King, Chas W |
Simmons, Martha C |
07/12/1891 |
163 |
Knouse, M D |
Steffey, Nancy R |
05/07/1891 |
157 |
Kuykendall, J W |
Shirley, E P |
11/22/1891 |
182 |
Lester, W P |
Dawson, Ora Della |
05/27/1891 |
158 |
Lewis, H J |
Neugent, E |
11/19/1891 |
177 |
Longley, M N |
Bishop, L N |
02/09/1891 |
144 |
Luckie, A S |
Clark, Sallie |
07/15/1891 |
164 |
Luckie, S A |
Proffitt, M A |
07/29/1891 |
167 |
Magill, Hubert E |
Vaughan, Nannie M |
07/15/1891 |
164 |
Martin, W R |
Hatton, Minnie |
11/13/1891 |
175 |
Maynard, Harrison |
Reynolds, Lou |
12/16/1891 |
180 |
Mccloud, Malcom |
Virgilee, Emma Jane |
04/09/1891 |
154 |
Mccollum, C L |
Wilson, Blanche |
10/14/1891 |
173 |
Mcdonald, Duncan Lewis |
Johnson, Carrie |
12/23/1891 |
181 |
Milam, W D |
Mitcheltree, Mollie |
12/24/1891 |
182 |
Miller, G W |
Altman, Mollie |
12/30/1891 |
185 |
Millican, J M |
Greer, A C |
03/26/1891 |
152 |
Moon, H V |
Bible, Josie |
06/10/1891 |
159 |
Moore, H G |
Scott, Nancy |
07/22/1891 |
166 |
Moore, J C |
Bumgardener, D E |
11/15/1891 |
175 |
Moore, Wm N |
Foster, Fanny |
12/03/1891 |
184 |
Moreland, Peter |
Russell, Nannie |
09/16/1891 |
172 |
Mullins, W H |
Wheeler, A L |
07/01/1891 |
163 |
Newton, W J |
Hutto, M H |
12/30/1891 |
187 |
Norred, G C |
Newton, Nellie M |
09/16/1891 |
172 |
Ottinger, F J |
Stewart, Adelia |
01/04/1891 |
143 |
Paradise, Charles O |
Paulson, Annie |
07/26/1891 |
166 |
Pearson, W H |
Arnett, Annie |
06/24/1891 |
160 |
Pruett, J D |
Morrow, M E |
02/25/1891 |
149 |
Ramdell, J W |
Baker, Carrie |
05/26/1891 |
158 |
Roddoch, Robert |
Ure, Maggie |
01/03/1891 |
140 |
Ross, Robert |
Shipp, B G (Mrs) |
03/21/1891 |
151 |
Schooley, R B |
Wallis, Mollie |
11/25/1891 |
177 |
Schoonover, W H |
Pitman, Elizabeth |
03/31/1891 |
153 |
Scott, J W |
Slaughter, E A |
06/21/1891 |
160 |
Shelby, Daw |
Jones, Annie |
02/07/1891 |
145 |
Shipp, L L |
Jennings, Mary Francis |
07/21/1891 |
165 |
Sively, E M |
Hutto, L J |
08/12/1891 |
170 |
Smart, John M |
Cheatham, Mattie |
05/07/1891 |
156 |
Smith, G W |
Warwick, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs) |
10/13/1891 |
173 |
Smith, S T |
Callison, Blanche |
12/15/1891 |
179 |
Stapp, J F |
Davis, May |
12/24/1891 |
184 |
Steffey, B F |
Herridge, M M |
07/09/1891 |
165 |
Steffey, Thomas |
Herridge, Belle |
03/31/1891 |
152 |
Stewart, John T |
Long, Mary E |
12/17/1891 |
180 |
Studer, William |
Roper, N J |
06/09/1891 |
159 |
Taylor, Rihnhalt |
Stockman, Ella |
04/25/1891 |
156 |
Thompson, C P |
Alexander, S E (Mrs) |
07/08/1891 |
162 |
Tobey, A J |
Hallford, M A |
03/01/1891 |
148 |
Vickers, John |
Sweeny, E A S (Mrs) |
08/09/1891 |
168 |
Walters, Chas M |
Chadwick, Lela |
10/11/1891 |
174 |
Warden, W B |
Gibbs, Fannie |
12/17/1891 |
187 |
Wilcox, C H |
Mcsween, T S (Mrs) |
06/25/1891 |
161 |
Wood, S. P. |
Wood, Bettie |
02/05/1891 |
148 |
Woody, Robert |
Sorell, Annie (Mrs) |
04/02/1891 |
153 |
Wright, Mark |
Ballew, Phenie |
08/05/1891 |
168 |
Yett, F F |
Daugherty, Ada M |
03/18/1891 |
150 |
Sorted by Bride's Name |
Groom's Name |
Bride's Name |
Date Of Marriage |
Book G Page # |
Thompson, C P |
Alexander, S E (Mrs) |
07/08/1891 |
162 |
Miller, G W |
Altman, Mollie |
12/30/1891 |
185 |
Pearson, W H |
Arnett, Annie |
06/24/1891 |
160 |
Bates, A M |
Ayers, Nansey J |
01/07/1891 |
140 |
Ramdell, J W |
Baker, Carrie |
05/26/1891 |
158 |
Wright, Mark |
Ballew, Phenie |
08/05/1891 |
168 |
Clendenan, W R |
Beasley, Nancy E |
10/15/1891 |
174 |
Moon, H V |
Bible, Josie |
06/10/1891 |
159 |
Joy, James A |
Bible, Kate |
03/15/1891 |
150 |
Longley, M N |
Bishop, L N |
02/09/1891 |
144 |
Cureton, Berry |
Bonards, C A L |
11/16/1891 |
176 |
Hood, James A |
Bradshaw, Mattie |
08/12/1891 |
169 |
Moore, J C |
Bumgardener, D E |
11/15/1891 |
175 |
Smith, S T |
Callison, Blanche |
12/15/1891 |
179 |
Walters, Chas M |
Chadwick, Lela |
10/11/1891 |
174 |
Smart, John M |
Cheatham, Mattie |
05/07/1891 |
156 |
Green, W E |
Chestnut, Lou |
01/25/1891 |
144 |
Luckie, A S |
Clark, Sallie |
07/15/1891 |
164 |
Carlisle, James N |
Crenshaw, Clara L (Mrs) |
09/01/1891 |
171 |
Epperson, J T |
Crews, A L (Mrs) |
07/15/1891 |
162 |
Yett, F F |
Daugherty, Ada M |
03/18/1891 |
150 |
Stapp, J F |
Davis, May |
12/24/1891 |
184 |
Lester, W P |
Dawson, Ora Della |
05/27/1891 |
158 |
Border, W H |
Ebeling, Clara |
01/22/1891 |
142 |
Bush, R L |
Ferguson, Bettie |
04/15/1891 |
154 |
Moore, Wm N |
Foster, Fanny |
12/03/1891 |
184 |
Warden, W B |
Gibbs, Fannie |
12/17/1891 |
187 |
Millican, J M |
Greer, A C |
03/26/1891 |
152 |
Tobey, A J |
Hallford, M A |
03/01/1891 |
148 |
Crownover, J L |
Hargrove, Orlena |
05/06/1891 |
155 |
D'spain, J R |
Hartley, Hannah E |
11/13/1891 |
179 |
Fowler, J M |
Hartson, S B |
02/22/1891 |
146 |
Martin, W R |
Hatton, Minnie |
11/13/1891 |
175 |
Steffey, Thomas |
Herridge, Belle |
03/31/1891 |
152 |
Steffey, B F |
Herridge, M M |
07/09/1891 |
165 |
Deere, C M |
Holland, Mary |
11/22/1891 |
178 |
Sively, E M |
Hutto, L J |
08/12/1891 |
170 |
Newton, W J |
Hutto, M H |
12/30/1891 |
187 |
Shipp, L L |
Jennings, Mary Francis |
07/21/1891 |
165 |
Mcdonald, Duncan Lewis |
Johnson, Carrie |
12/23/1891 |
181 |
Shelby, Daw |
Jones, Annie |
02/07/1891 |
145 |
Chamberlain, B B |
Kincheloe, Mollie A |
12/22/1891 |
181 |
Garrett, W T |
Laurence, Dora F |
08/16/1891 |
170 |
Stewart, John T |
Long, Mary E |
12/17/1891 |
180 |
Camp, F H |
Maddox, Iola |
02/28/1891 |
147 |
Hood, H A |
Marcus, Ida O |
07/29/1891 |
167 |
Edwards, A H |
Mccarty, Mary (Mrs) |
02/01/1891 |
143 |
French, J M |
Mcinnish, Susie |
02/12/1891 |
145 |
Wilcox, C H |
Mcsween, T S (Mrs) |
06/25/1891 |
161 |
Milam, W D |
Mitcheltree, Mollie |
12/24/1891 |
182 |
Pruett, J D |
Morrow, M E |
02/25/1891 |
149 |
Dempesey, J W |
Murphy, Lena |
11/29/1891 |
178 |
Lewis, H J |
Neugent, E |
11/19/1891 |
177 |
Norred, G C |
Newton, Nellie M |
09/16/1891 |
172 |
Crownover, G L |
Norris, Etta |
12/16/1891 |
186 |
Breazeale, H |
Pankey, L C (Mrs) |
03/25/1891 |
151 |
Paradise, Charles O |
Paulson, Annie |
07/26/1891 |
166 |
Gentle, Thomas |
Perry, Margaret (Mrs) |
11/17/1891 |
176 |
Schoonover, W H |
Pitman, Elizabeth |
03/31/1891 |
153 |
Luckie, S A |
Proffitt, M A |
07/29/1891 |
167 |
Maynard, Harrison |
Reynolds, Lou |
12/16/1891 |
180 |
Hart, W E |
Roark, S J |
05/14/1891 |
157 |
Studer, William |
Roper, N J |
06/09/1891 |
159 |
Moreland, Peter |
Russell, Nannie |
09/16/1891 |
172 |
Moore, H G |
Scott, Nancy |
07/22/1891 |
166 |
Fisher, T E |
Shilling, Sallie Belle |
06/29/1891 |
161 |
Ross, Robert |
Shipp, B G (Mrs) |
03/21/1891 |
151 |
Kuykendall, J W |
Shirley, E P |
11/22/1891 |
182 |
King, Chas W |
Simmons, Martha C |
07/12/1891 |
163 |
Scott, J W |
Slaughter, E A |
06/21/1891 |
160 |
Heill, W H |
Smart, D E |
12/24/1891 |
183 |
Woody, Robert |
Sorell, Annie (Mrs) |
04/02/1891 |
153 |
Knouse, M D |
Steffey, Nancy R |
05/07/1891 |
157 |
Ottinger, F J |
Stewart, Adelia |
01/04/1891 |
143 |
Croft, B A |
Stewart, Lula |
01/05/1891 |
141 |
Taylor, Rihnhalt |
Stockman, Ella |
04/25/1891 |
156 |
Hoynie, C B |
Sudduth, Emma B |
03/04/1891 |
147 |
Vickers, John |
Sweeny, E A S (Mrs) |
08/09/1891 |
168 |
Corbin, J A |
Thornton, Ettie |
12/24/1891 |
183 |
Elliott, D F |
Trammell, Mollie E |
03/01/1891 |
149 |
Roddoch, Robert |
Ure, Maggie |
01/03/1891 |
140 |
Magill, Hubert E |
Vaughan, Nannie M |
07/15/1891 |
164 |
Mccloud, Malcom |
Virgilee, Emma Jane |
04/09/1891 |
154 |
Schooley, R B |
Wallis, Mollie |
11/25/1891 |
177 |
Smith, G W |
Warwick, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs) |
10/13/1891 |
173 |
Mullins, W H |
Wheeler, A L |
07/01/1891 |
163 |
Kelley, J D |
Whiteley, Cyrinia |
08/12/1891 |
171 |
Johnson, W C |
Willis, M J (Mrs) |
08/12/1891 |
169 |
Mccollum, C L |
Wilson, Blanche |
10/14/1891 |
173 |
Wood, S. P. |
Wood, Bettie |
02/05/1891 |
148 |
Burman, R A |
Yett, Nora L |
05/07/1891 |
155 |