at this place were grieved when it was learned that Mrs. Mary Lou
(Craddock) Jones had been called by death at Kerrville, Texas, July 28,
Funeral services were held at the Clements Funeral Home,
Saturday morning with Bro. John Weston in charge and Lark Burns,
Herbert Norris, Willis Smith, Bill Hearn, Jake Clements and W. B.
Hubbard acting as pallbearers. Burial was in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery.
Jones was born in Polk County, Texas, November 24, 1875, but spent many
years of her life at this place. She had lived at Kerrville for about
one month preceding her death.
Mrs. Jones was a member of the Methodist Church and was loved and respected by all who knew her.
kindly lady is survived by one daughter, Mrs. S. V. Robertson of Taylor
and one son, J. D. Jones of Kerrville, one sister, Mrs. Emma Richardson
of Houston, and five brothers, Ernest Craddock, Charlie Craddock, and
Elmer Craddock, all of Burnet, and Albert and Clarence Craddock of
