Mrs. Elizabeth Howell was born in Tennessee, April 6th 1837, and died December 25th 1904.
She came to Texas when quite young and was on Christmas day 1855, united in marriage to T. F. Howell, they having been married forty-nine years to a day when Mrs. Howell died.
To this union were born seven children, two of whom preceeded her to the Great Beyond. The five living are: I. G. Howell of Runge, Mrs. Watson of Gano, Mrs. Ella Keele of Burnet, R. T. Howell of Lake Victor, and Dr. A. Howell of Burnet. She also raised one step child, W. A. Howell of Clifton. All the children were with her or had been during her sickness, which lasted nearly five months.
She passed away peacefully, without a struggle, surrounded by her husband, children and friends.
She was laid to rest beside her dear boy in the Sunny Lane Cemetery, Elder J. S. Hall conducting the service.
Mrs. Howell for a
number of years had been a member of the Church of Christ, and her
place at meeting was never vacant. She was a model Christian
lady, and met every obstacle with a Christian courage and fortitude.
The wife and mother has gone from the home. No more will her
kindly sympathetic face be seen in the fire-side circle, but she will
be waiting and watching for her loved ones in that better world.
They should emulate her example and not one will fail to again be with
her after death.
A Loved One.
