Gold in Hoover's Valley

Source:  Dallas Morning News, 18 June 1887
transcribed by JoAnn Myers, October 2006

Particulars of the Gold Find There, Which
Proves to Be an Old Mexican Mine.
Great Excitement Thereabouts.

San Antonio, Tex., June 17. -- Mr. Charles L. Dignowitty, of this city, reports a rich discovery of gold and silver in Burnet County.  A. Fitzgerald, superintendent of the San Jose Mining Company, of Tamaulipas, Mexico, came here a few weeks ago, with old Spanish records relating to the lost San Saba mine, and Mr. Dignowitty furnished the money to investigate. 

Fitzgerald went to Hoover's Valley, on the Colorado, fifteen miles northwest from Burnet, opposite the mouth of the Llano river, and took bearings.  Here is the dividing range of mountains known in Spanish archives as "Espinoza de Juarez," in English "Backbone of Judas" and at present known as the Pack Saddle Mountains.

From here, guided by Spanish records, he instituted search, and was rewarded by the discovery of an extensive lead.  The vein is four feet wide and consists of rich decomposed ore strained with iron.  Mr. Dignowitty closed a trade for seventy acres of the land, pretending he wanted it for the granite and marble.

On further investigation traces of an old Mexican mine and furnaces were discovered.  The whole country near the discovery is greatly excited.  Machinery will be put in at once and the mine will be worked.  The New York prospector reported to have discovered gold and Mr. Dignowitty are one and the same party.




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