Died at the Hotel in the Town of Burnet, April 25th, 1874, Judge A. G.
Foster, in the 69th year of his age. His remains were followed to
the grave on Sunday the 26th inst., by the members of the I.O.O.F. and
a large number of his friends.
Under this decree of Divine Providence, this County has lost an
exemplary citizen, The I.O.O.F. one of their brightest members, and the
Legal Profession is hereby bereft of an able jurist.
The deceased was a native of Georgia, and for many years recognized as
an able lawyer in that State. From Georgia he moved to Texas,
about twenty years ago, during which time, by his examplary course in
the walks of life, he had gathered around him a ___ of friends to watch
over the brief period of his sickness and ___ his eyes in the dreamless
sleep of death.
