April 23, 1959
Friends at this place were deeply shocked when it
was learned that Miss Mittie Depew had been called
by death at the Shepperd Memorial Hospital, April
16th, 1959, following a fatal heart attack.
Funeral services were held at the Clements Funeral
Home at 3:00
P.M. April 17th, with Rev. W. O.
Schulze officiating. Burial was in the Odd
Fellows' Cemetery.
Pallbearers were: Ed Young, Henry
Zimmerman, D. V. Hammond, B. Pogue, Lawson
Gibbs, Allen Kroeger, C. C. Castellaw, and
Willie Garrett.
Deceased was born at Burnet, Texas, March 29,
1874, and had spent her entire life in
Burnet. She was a Charter Member of the
Burnet County Historical Society, having served as
Treasurer ever since its organization. It
was through her untiring efforts that the Society
has achieved what it has done, and through her
death, has lost its most faithful member.
She was a descendant of Logan Vandeveer,
one of the founders of the town of Burnet.
She was also a member of the Methodist Church.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Ann Bott,
Burnet; seven nephews, Sam R. Chamberlain,
Refugio; Dal Chamberlain,
Van Chamberlain and James Chamberlain,
all of Falfurrias; Hal Breazeale,
Cherokee; George Breazeale,
Hoovers Valley; Morris Breazeale,
San Antonio; five nieces, Mrs. Chas. D.
Kroeger, Burnet; Mrs. J. D.
Mallory, San Diego, Calif; Mrs.
Rex Neal, Falfurrias, Mrs.
Lloyd Colgrove, Midland; and Mrs.
Lucy Townsend, Glassboro, N. J.
The Bulletin joins the many other friends of the
grieved relatives in extending sympathy to them
during their hours of grief.
