Burnet Woman Slain In Her Own Home
Burnet, Texas, Jan. 16 (AP).--
Mrs. A. Cloud, a resident of Burnet for fifty years, was found slain Saturday in her house her, where she lived alone.
The body was examined by a doctor, who said she had been killed Friday
night or early Saturday. Her neck was broken and she apparently
had been struck on the head, the doctor said.

Burnet Bulletin, 21 Jan 1943
Mrs. A. Cloud Found Dead in Her Home
Mrs. A. Cloud, who lived alone at this place in her residence
near the Baptist Church building, was found dead in her bedroom early
last Saturday night. Neighbors had not seen her for three or four
days and upon investigation found the doors of the residence
locked. Dr. Williamson was called, who failing to find an entrance without forcing the doors of the closed house, summoned Sheriff Wallace Riddell. The two then made a forced entrance through a window and found the dead body of Mrs. Cloud a
few feet from the bed. There were bruises on the head, arm and a
leg, and it was thought at first that her neck was broken, but upon
further investigation this was found to be incorrect. Chemist Glen McLaughlin of the department of public service and Ranger Fred Olsen were
called from Austin, and after thorough investigation by local officers
and these men, the conclusion arrived at was that Mrs. Cloud's death
was from natural causes, and t hat there was no evidence that the house
had been broken into. All doors were bolted from the inside and
there were no openings or windows forced in the house, and money hidden
in the house was found intact, according to Sheriff Riddell.
The investigating committee arrived at the conclusion that Mrs. Cloud
had suffered a heart attack, or was suffering from suffocation, and
became frantic, which accounted for the knocked over furniture and she
apparently fell, causing the bruises upon her person.
The funeral service was conducted Sunday afternoon at the Northington
Funeral home, by Rev. Hardt of Bertram, pastor of the Methodist Church,
and Rev. Buren Sparks, pastor of the First Baptist Church of
Interment was in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery, with Ralph Crawford, Leslie
Norris, C. N. Chamberlain and L. S. Chamberlain as active pallbearers.
Mrs. Cloud was born in Round Rock, Texas in 1860. Her maiden name
was Houston and she was a relative of General Sam Houston, the most
outstanding figure in Texas History. With her husband, who
preceeded her in death several years ago, Mrs. Cloud moved to Burnet
close to a quarter century ago. She is survived by a daughter and
two grandaughters, who reside at Adamsville, who were notified of Mrs.
Cloud's death, and arrived in Burnet as quickly as possible.
