The Lord has seen
proper in His goodness and Mercy to send the hand of affliction and
death into the home of W. B. (Bip) Baker and call him from time to
Eternity. He was sick but a short time, and succumbed to the
inevitable at 3:50 o'clock a.m., August 9th, 1907, aged about 40 years.
He was converted and joined the Baptist Church at Pool Branch in the
summer of 1887. He lived a consistent member for a year or
more. Being associated with bad company, he gradually drifted
away from his duty to his Lord and Savior.
The writer often during the intervening years admonished him to return
to to [sic] Lord and live a better life; he resisted the admonition
until the Lord laid upon him His loving but heavy hand of affliction.
While yet conscious he said to his wife, mother and dear ones that the
Lord had forgiven his backslidings and had fully restored to him
salvation, and that he was ready and willing to go and be with the
Lord, and admonished us all to meet him in Heaven. Awhile before
he passed away he asked that I sing "Nearer My God to Thee." I
could only sing one verse and he said: "that is so sweet."
He gave entire satisfactory evidence that he was saved and so passed
into the great beyond--admonishing his dear ones and friends to meet
him in Heaven.
"We shall sleep, but not forever
Then will be a glorious dawn!
We shall meet to part no never
On the resurrection morn!"
F. B. G.
