Alsbrooks - Last Sunday morning at about 7:30, as a result of being
struck by a north bound I. & G. N. Train out of San Antonio, Duran
Alsbrooks passed to his reward. He only lived about ten minutes after
the accident. His brother, General, was at Kerrville, and when
notified, went to him, and brought his remains to Cleveland for
interment, arriving here on the 11:00 o'clock train Tuesday.
Mr. Alsbrooks was a son of Mr. George Alsbrooks, of Cleveland, and was
raised in Montgomery County. He was discharged from military
service seven years ago, on account of insanity, supposed to have been
caused by over work in the training camp. Since then his mind has not
been good and he was placed in a hospital at Ft. Sam Houston,
Tex. About 4 o'clock Sunday morning he escaped, and was probably
trying to catch the train to leave town when the accident occurred. He
was 35 years old, and has been a member of the Christian Church at
Montague for 18 years.
In 1920 he was married to Miss Nettie Spencer, of Oakalla, Burnett
County, Texas; this union was blessed with two children, both girls.
Mrs. Alsbrooks and her children will return to her parents at Oakalla.
The funeral was conducted by Brother J. H. Heifner of Cleveland.
