Athens Weekly Review
Aug. 2, 1901

Rev. Robert Hodge

The subject of this sketch was born in Tennessee in 1805. He removed to Mississippi
in 1823. There he married in 1830 Miss M. B. Hall who was the niece of Governor A. H.
of Mississippi, who was the father of Governor Dick Runnells of Texas.
They had thirteen children, eleven of whom lived to be grown, and six of whom are
living now. A son R. H. Hodge, resides at Duncan, I. T. Another, M. H. and a daughter,
Mrs. M. T. Morris, reside at Brandon, Hill county, Tex. Doctor J. C. Hodge and another
daughter, Mrs. A. B. Mitcham, reside in Athens. Another daughter, Mrs. M. A. Wallace,
mother of Dr. B. C. Wallace of LaRue, Texas resides with her children.

Rev. Mr. Hodge came from Mississippi to Texas in 1850, first settling in Anderson
county near old Brushy Creek. He removed to Henderson county in the spring of
1853, settling in what was then known as Science Hill Academy community now called
Wild cat. He was the first and only minister of the C. P. church living in the county
before the Civil War. He preached in almost every church and school house in the
county and in many private residences where there were no church or school housed
before and during the war. He was the leading spirit in the organization of the
Science Hill Academy and was on of the best schools in the country, having a regular
academic course of study. The first teacher of it was Jno. S. Tanner father of Lou
of Malakoff. The second was J. J. Fowler afterwards judge of the district
court of this county. The only civic offices he ever held was census taker in 1860 and
postmaster at Science Hill, now discontinued.

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