Athens Weekly Review
April 14, 1910
Resolutions on Death of Comrade Hiram P. Williams
To Capt. L. A. Powers and Comrades
Camp Howdy Martin:
   We, your committee appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the 
sympathy and respect we had and hold in memory for our deceased compainon
and comrade in arms, Hiram P. Williams beg leave to submit the following:
   Comrade Williams enlisted eary in the war between the states in the 8th Mississippi
regiment of volunteers, Co. G. served honorably all teh way through the wasr, was a 
brave soldier, always at his post of duty, and was discharged when the cause for
which he fought went down; returned home and has every since up to the date of his
dieath made a true and faithful citizen as he did a true and valiant soldier.
   On the 25th day of February, 1910, in this county at his home 5 miles southwest of
Athens he departed this life, having suffered for several months with paralysis.
   Bro. Williams was married in the state of Mississippi; in a few years after the war he
moved to Texas and for more than forty years of that time he lived in Henderson
county, Texas; was a farmer by occupation and always prided himself as being the
best corn raiser of anyone in his meighborhood.
   Uncle Hiram, as he was familiarly called, was a Primitive Baptist and lived strickly
up to the rules and ancient land marks of his church.  He was an honest man; his word
was his bond; prompt to pay his debts, scrupulously exact in his dealings with his 
fellowman; a good husband and father; a first class citizen, and true to his country, 
in politics, in religion and patriotism.
   He has heard teh last drum beat, the last cannon fire and the last roll call from the 
aster peritting him to enter that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens.
Alex Mobley
M. D. Lammons
W. L. Faulk

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