Athens Weekly Review
Aug. 2, 1901

Mrs. Emma D. Carroll

No list of the pioneers of Henderson county would be complete without the name of Mrs. Carroll. She was born in Kentucky December 15, 1834, and died in Athens April 21, 1901(buried Old Section Athens City Cemetery.) She was married in 1852 to
*Mr. E. A. Carroll, who died in 1880. She had eight children, four of whom survive her. They are W. T. and E. A. Carroll, Mrs. C. F. Scott and Mrs. Maggie Spencer, all of whom are doing well and are well fixed in life. W. T. is clerk of the county court and is a man of fine property and very popular. E. A. Carroll is one our leading merchants and does a good business.

Mrs. Carroll saw Texas when privations and hardships were the common lot of all. She lived to see a wild, uninhabited wilderness transformed into a country of modern civilization. She has left her impress for good upon the community in the usefulness and honorable lives of her children.

Space at the date this is being written forbids a fuller account of this life of this good woman.

*E. A. Carroll buried Athens City Cemetery Old Section Sept. 20, 1820 Dec. 6, 1880

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