O. T. Bresendines Plan
Athens, Texas
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bresendine will
observe their golden anniversary Sunday with an open house from 2
to 5 p.m. at their home here.
They were married Nov 30, 1904, with the late C. M. Barton of
Leagueville officiating, and have lived in Henderson County all
of their married life.
Attending will be their six children, Mrs. R. R. Tapscott of
Tyler, Mrs. Roy Greenhaw of Kemp, Mrs. R. T. Driver of LaRue, and
Eustace Bresendine, Lewis Bresendine and Audrey Bresendine, all
of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Bresendine also have 13 grandchildren and
6 great grand-grandchildren.
Source: Athens Review Nov 25 1954
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