Richard Frazer son of D. P. & Josephine Holland was born Aug. 17th 1885 was baptized by the Rev. J. W. McEarine of the Ala. Conference.

Samuel Eugine Son of D. P. & Josephine Holland was born Jan. 4th 1887. was baptized Apr. (the rest of the date is unreadable) by Rev. ? A. McCann of the Ala. Conference.

Hattie Belle Holland was born Dec. 18th 1889 was baptized by Rev. J. T. Jones of the Ala Conference Apr 1889

Maggie E. Holland was born May 6th 1891. Was baptized by J. S. Frazer in Thomasville August 12 1891.

Willie May was born August 31, 1894 Claude Texas, Armstrong Co.


Dimpsic Pierce Holland was born December 17 1849

Josephine Holland was born the 12th day of February 1855. was married to D. P. Holland the 24th of Oct 1875.

Willie May daughter of D. P. and Josephine Holland was borne Aug. 31-1874 Claude Texas


Anne Josephine. daughter of D. Pierce & Josephine Holland died on 20th day of October 1878. Castlebury Ala.

Willie May daughter of D. P. & Josephine Holland died on the 20th day of Nov. 1894. Claude Texas, Armstrong Co.

Dimpsic Pierce Holland died the 10th of ---- 1905 Athens Texas Henderson, Co.

Virginia Josephine Holland died Jan. 5, 19 (looks like 1955) Athens Tex. Henderson Co.

Hattie Belle Holland Stokes died Dec. 7. 1957.

Transcribed as written

This is my interpretation of what is written in the Holland Bible, for a copy of the pages you will need to contact the Henderson Co. Historical Commission

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