100, 75, and 50 Years Ago

  - Excerpts from the Victoria Advocate Column

100 Years Ago

October 23, 1902
"The first harvesting of rice in the history of Victoria County is now in progress on LANDER & RATHBONE's rice field three miles southwest of town. These gentlemen have a stand of 55 acres and claim that their yield will average five bushels to the acre. The field was submerged twice by the floods of September, but very little damage was done to the stand."
November 17, 1902
"Today Sheriff EDWIN W. KLEIN turned over his office to Sheriff GEORGE HECK. During his short term in this important office Mr. KLEIN made an enviable record. Although he was the youngest sheriff in Texas, or perhaps in the United States, he performed the duties of his office with tact and ability."
December 28, 1902
Inquiry-Who knows the whereabouts of CHRISTIAN VASTERLING? Prior to 1859 he stayed near Victoria. The last tidings were that he had died in 1860, which is not certain. Should anyone know of his death or recent location, please notify the undersigned or GEO. H. FRENCH, publ. of the Weekly Advocate, Victoria, Texas - CARL OTTO, Castell, Llano Col, Texas
January 7, 1903
The residence of Dr. D.H. BRAMAN on Stayton Avenue is of a very pretty plan and will soon be completed.
W.P. REGAN of Port Lavaca, well and favorably known in Victoria, purchased the millinery store fixtures of Mrs. HOLMAN, who removed to Houston, and expects to open up a millinery store in time for the spring trade. Miss ANNIE FIELD will be placed in charge.
January 29, 1903
T.S. HOLLINGSWORTH has sold his gin property in Guadalupe to H.E. RATHBONE and J.J. WELDER of Victoria.
February 23, 1903
Mr. EUGENE LUDER, Victoria's popular meat man, proprietor of the market opposite the Wells Fargo Express Company's office, today disposed of same to Professor ALFRED HUGH KLEIN, son of our well known County Clerk, Mr. AUGUST KLEIN.
February 8, 1903
The Eleventh Hour, Lincoln J. Carter's great comedy-drama, was played to a small audience at Hauschild's Opera House last night owing to the inclement weather. Miss JOSEpHINE FRITZ, charming daughter of Mayor L.A. FRITZ, rendered sweet music on the piano between acts.
March 21, 1903
The charming sponsor of the Confederate Veterans, Miss HELEN DENSMORE MITCHELL, has appointed her maids of honor for the great U.V.C. reunion in New Orleans. Miss Mary Largen of San Antonio, Miss ELEANOR KATHRYN WARD, daughter of CApT. BENJAMIN QUINN WARD of Victoria, and Miss MATTIE EDSON, daughter of Maj. LEE S. DANIEL of Victoria were chosen.
December 15, 1903
Mr. C.B. MOLING, land and immigration agent of Ohio will start for Houston on the 16th inst. with 50 families for settlement of the big colony of truck farmers at Victoria. These will find homes awaiting them, and when they are settled, Mr. MOLING will return to Ohio for another batch of colonists. It is expected to locate 300 families on the plantation near Victoria within the next three months, so that when the truck farming season reopens they will all be ready to participate in the profits arising from the extensive industry.
December 21, 1903
Saturday evening the first batch of settlers arrived at Victoria from Alliance, Mansfield and Cleveland, Ohio, and were quartered at the Denver and Central Hotels. A total of nearly 100 people. The immigrants are a nice lot of people and are highly desirable citizens. They are of German, Austrian and Romanian descent. They are quite well off, their rating being from $1, 000 to $10, 000 each. The Moling settlement is situated about five miles from this city, between Victoria and Keeran, and an army of working men are busy constructing dwelling places for the colonists. Over 13 cars of material arrived at the place yesterday from Houston.
January 27, 1904
W.G. MOLING left Victoria for Moling City this afternoon. He reports that 50 houses have been constructed at the new settlement and that the next batch of colonists will arrive February 15, about 100 families.
June 13, 1904
Mrs. J.M. BROWNSON informs us that through the noble efforts of Mrs. L.P. DeMOUCHE and the generosity of the Levi Memoral Fund, a Mrs. SMITH and family, colonists of Moling City in destitute circumstances were sent to their old home in California.
January 27, 1904
Yesterday Messrs. PAUL and LOUIS ARNOLD purchased the well established confectionary store of V.E. GOLDMAN. Paul has had quite a bit of experience in the business, for a number of years serving in the parlor of L.A. FRITZ and A. GARVERENA. For the past ten years he has filled a leading clerkship in HALLER BROS. Dry Goods Store. Louis for several years was an efficient clerk in the SCHNEIDER Furniture Store.
March 8, 1904
A party of homeseekers from Evansville, Wis., arrived in the city this morning and will probably locate in the county. They are now inspecting our rich lands.
September 29, 1904
T.A. DUFF, the auditor in charge of the N.Y. and T.M. Railroad, was assigned to the Victoria division over two years ago. The other employees, who are affable and efficient with good chances of promotion are: JOHN CLEGG, bookkeeper; IRWIN KIBBE, assistant bookkeeper; C.L. WHITTAKER, maintenance of way; J.H. HILKENE, disbursement accounts; C. ASHWORTH, freight accounts; V.E. GOLDMAN, freight statistics; CLAUDE HORD, revising clerk; W.B. LUCK, register clerk; L.T. STERNE, freight claims; H.W. BISHOp, passenger and ticket accounts; D.J. JECKER, stenographer; L.H. DeMOUCHE, filing clerk and messenger.
September 29, 1904
MRS. L. ROUFF was tendered a delightful surprise party yesterday, the occasion being the 91st anniversary of her birthday. She is the mother of Mrs. L. ALEXANDER and MAX ROUFF.
December 15, 1904
There are few men in the city who have displayed a more remarkable capacity for successful business dealings than SALBO GEORGE. Although his business is conducted on a small scale, Mr. GEORGE is one of the most prosperous citizens in Victoria. Eleven years ago, Mr. GEORGE immigrated to Victoria from the Old World. By careful, capable, energetic and honest business methods, he soon became the proprietor of a neat confectioner store, at 201 North Main Street, to which he has annexed a nice merchandise department.
December 15, 1904
THOMAS NOLAN, a native of the "Emerald Isle, " has been engaged in the sewing machine business in Victoria since 1882. He makes the French Book Store, 109 Liberty Street, his headquarters.
August 2, 1905
Little Miss ABBIE RUTH POTASH celebrated the fifth anniversary of her birth on the lawn of the elegant new residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.I. POTASH, last evening. Abbie Ruth and HILDA KLEINSMITH received the little guests, and several ladies assisted in the entertainment.
August 3, 1905
No more cordial welcome could have been given the Embroidery Club than was extended by Mrs. ROBERT RAWLEY, in the home of her daughter, Mrs. WILLIAM L. WARD, on Stayton Avenue. All were cheered by the prescence of Mrs. SHIELDS, the chairman, who, refreshed by her summer jaunt in northern Texas, had a pleasant greeting for each guest and member.
August 22, 1905
Just seven years after the organization of Victoria County, a few months after Texas became a state of the Union, and at the beginning of the war between the United States and Mexico, in 1846, the Advocate entered the journalistic arena of Texas. Its powerful influence assisted materially in forming the broad laws which still guarantee civil, personal, political and religious liberty and perpetuity of our free institutions by making generous provisions therefor. The influence exerted by the Advocate towards bringing all these American ideas of freedom into realization cannot be overestimated. Those early struggles on the part of the Advocate endeared its very name and enshrined its memory in the hearts of true Texans. The papers now in existence in Victoria ar the "Advocate, " "Fact, " "Zeitung, " "Guide, " and "National Gazette, " the two last named being colored papers.
November 6, 1906
Sunday being the 53re anniversary of his birth, JULIUS JASCHKE of the Coleto celebrated the event in grand style. By invitation 17 families were represented. A veritable feast was prepared for the honored guests, who report a splendid time.
November 9, 1906
Last night a large crowd of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. AUGUST URBAN to celebrate the anniversary of Mrs. Urbans. the evening was spent in conversation and merrymaking, after which delicious refreshments were served. At a late hour all departed for their homes wishing Mrs. Urban many more happy birthdays.
November 24, 1906
Mrs. M. WHEELER has received from Washington all the requisite data entitling her to membership in the National patriotic Order of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The secretary of that order apprised Mrs. Wheeler that her great grandfather MURCHREE was a general in the army of the Revolution, receiving his commission from the hands of George Washington. The Historical Society of North Carolina are the custodians of his sword and a sash that he wore.
May 17, 1907
C.A. ANTONIOLI was agreeably surprised last night by a large number of relatives and friends bringing to his residence a number of cakes and other nice things in celebration of the 55th anniversary of his birth.
December 22, 1907
Mrs. SPORRER-THUET celebrated the 49th anniversary of her birthday Friday by giving a delightful birthday party, at which a large number of her friends were present, and she received many handsome and useful presents.
March 18, 1908
Yesterday was the anniversary of Dr. M. SESSLER's birthday, and, as is his custom, he celebrated the occasion with the members of the Sabbath School, giving the children a royal time. In return, to the great surprise of Dr. Sessler, the children presented him with a handsome combination desk and bookcase, which of course, was highly appreciated by the reverend.
July 10, 1908
Dr. R.R. HOPKINS has returned from Louisville KY where he attended commemcement exercises of the University of Louisville. His son, JOSEpH VINCENT HOPKINS, was a graduate of the Medical Department Miss BLANCHE HOPKINS and Mrs. L. GARRETT both of Edna, his sister and aunt, respectively, were also present for the exercises. The young doctor was one of the five of a class of 99 who received highest grades, and was honored with a hospital appointment, being assigned to St. Mary's and Elizbeth Hospitals at Louisville.
August 28, 1908,
"Paris, Ky. Kentuckian-Citizen": After an absence of 41 years, GEORGE KERN from VICTORIA is here the guest of Col. A.T. FORSYTH. The life of Mr. KERN read like a romance. He is a native of Paris, son of the late JESSE KERN, and at the outbreak of the Civil War entered the Confederate service, at the age of 14 years, as a private in the regiments commanded by the late Col. W.C.p. BRECKENRIDGE. At the battle of Charleston, Tenn., Mr. KERN was captured by the union forces and transported to Rock Island, Ill., as a prisoner of war, entering prison life in October1863. On a dark, dreary night, the ninth day of September, 1864, one of the surgeons detailed to look after the health of the prisoners, drove within the prison walls. Unobserved, Mr. KERN - then 17 years of age - secreted himself on the running gear of the vehicle and in this way escaped from prison.

75 (or more) Years Ago

September 6, 1922
V.E. GOLDMAN was a pleasant visitor to our office the early part of this week bringing with him an old ledger, which contains the minutes of the meetings held by what was probably Victoria's first band organization, the Victoria Silver Cornet Band.
The organization meeting was held March 4, 1883, the following men attending the meeting: AUGUST WAGNER, A. JATHO, F. BERNER, L.M. BROWN, H.E. PURSCH, F. SCHNEIDER, C.R. ALDEN, H.A. NEUMEYER, C.A. LEUSCHNER, A.E. LEUSCHNER and VICTOR E. GOLDMAN.The majority of the above pioneer citizens have passed away, not more than three or four being alive today.
The following officers were elected the same day that organization was effected: AUGUST WAGNER, leader; F. BERNER, president; H.A. NEUMEYER, secretary; C.A. LEUSCHNER, treasurer.
November 8, 1927
"GEORGE H. MEISS, who arrived in Victoria recently from the West Coast, pointed out to The Advocate that the Old Mill in Memorial Square was given by the grandchildren of FRED MEISS, Sr. to the Morning Study Club. Meiss said the mill, sought by Henry Ford for his Dearborn Village in Michigan, was given to the club in 1935 and moved to its present location. It was originally erected on Spring Creek in 1844 and was used for grinding corn."
December 26, 1927
JOHN ERNST, 40, sales foreman at the Victoria ice factory, is at the Victoria Hospital in a serious condition as the result of an accidental shotgun wound he suffered yesterday morning while hunting with a party near Austwell.
December 28, 1927
The Canning Club of Lone Tree held a meeting at the home of Mrs. PAUL WISCHKAEMPER Tuesday. Officers were elected as follows: Mrs. R.E. BOEHM, president; Mrs. H. WISCHKAEMPER, vice-president; Mrs. BEN ROGAN, secretary-treasurer.
The first new Ford to be assigned in the Houston territory was received a few days ago by the FRANZ Motor Co.
December 30, 1927
Miss CAROLINE F. CONTI, supervisor at the John Sealy Hospital in Galveston, has returned to her work after spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LOUIS CONTI. Miss OLIVIA M. CONTI, a student at Draughan's College in San Antonio, has also been home for the holidays.
A bridge party was given during the holiday week by Mesdames GEORGE DIESBACH, E.M. VANZANDT, and E.J. BLACKERT for Mrs. F.C. DIESBACH of Hamilton, Ohio, in the ballroom of the Denver Hotel.
January 5, 1928
The old officers and directors of the Victoria Bank and Trust Co. were elected as follows: J.V. VANDERBERGE, president; F.A. MURRAY, active vice-president; THOMAS O'CONNOR, vice-president; V.E. GOLDMAN and L.L. SCHURCHERT, assistant cashiers; and J.V. VANDERBERGE, William J. O'CONNOR, G.B. DAVIDSON, V.B. PROCTOR, p.A. MURRY, Thomas O'CONNOR, L.A. FRITZ and V.E. GOLDMAN, directors.
February 8, 1928
July 4, 1928
LOUIS p. LEIBOLD, pioneer druggist of Victoria, today received a certificate from the Alumni Association of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science declaring him a semi-centennialist of the association, an honor that has been conferred on comparatively few members. Mr. LEIBOLD graduated there 54 years ago, in the class of 1874. He conducted a drug store in Victoria for many years, retiring 15 years ago.
May 5, 1929
A baseball manager's life is far from a bed of roses. The man given the responsibility is CHESTER EVANS. He has proved himself efficient and fair and has a good baseball head. The Rosebud team this year is composed entirely of home boys. JACK COFFEY, third baseman, is peppy and steady as they make them. JIMMY SITTERLE romps around at second- a youngster but, oh, how that kid can dig them out of the dirt. HESTER EVANS, shortstop, is hard to beat. Coach D.C. HOLLEMAN, outfielder - if ever a man plays hard and fast, it is the professor. CLAUDE RILEY is one of our lightening bolts. MANUEL MUNOZ, who has made his home in Victoria, is a gentleman and a fine ball player. SALZIGER, a pitcher, proved himself last Sunday. "CHESTY" EKSTRUM also will be eager to go on the mound if he is needed.
July 5, 1929
Judge T.P. LENOIR has returned from a visit to his native state of Tennessee. He will be 78 on the twenty-third of this month and continues to enjoy splendid health.
November 24, 1929
HERMAN E. SCHRADER, recently bereft of his wife, returned Friday night from Houston, where he placed one of his three little children in the care of relatives.
January 17, 1930
Mr. and Mrs. JOE JELINEK of Bloomington celebrated their birthdays last Saturday, both having reached the 52nd year mark. Both were born in Austria-Hungary January 11, 1878. The couple came to Texas 20 years ago, making their home at LaGrange a few years. They then moved to this county, where they have resided for the past seven years.
May 27, 1931
Miss CONSTANCE ANN SNEIGR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. SNEIGR of Houston and granddaughter of City Secretary and Mrs. J.D. SNEIGR of this city, is among the 1931 graduates of the San Jacinto High School in Houston.
December, 1931
Mr. and Mrs. LOUIS FIMBLE of Gulf are the holiday guests of Mr. FIMBLE'S mother, Mrs. SAM FIMBLE, and family and Mrs. FIMBLE'S father, FLORIN SCHMIDT and family.
Mrs. F.F. MOORE and daughter, Miss FRANCES LUCILLE, and Mrs. J.F. MEALER and two children of San Antonio are visiting their mother, Mrs. A.D. JOHNSTON.

50 Years Ago

March 29, 1953
PAUL BERTHELOT, new acting-postmaster at the Victoria post Office, will be sworn in either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. Berthelot has resigned his post with the Gulf Oil Co.
April 19, 1955
Victoria County's first woman juror occupied one of the 12 jury chairs when a civil case went to trial here Monday before Dist. Judge FRANK W. MARTIN. She was Mrs. W.H.GREEN of 507 E. Buena Vista, bookkeeper for Dr. ALLEN SHIELDS and wife of a parts buyer for Timberlake Motors. "It's definitely very interesting, " she said when asked about her reaction. "I imagine in the end it will be something that we women will get a great deal out of."
January 14, 1957
ANTON REIMANN, 98, probably Victoria's oldest resident, celebrated yesterday with open house at his ranch south of the Victoria County Airport.
July 8, 1958
San Francisco: Eight Victorians put out to sea from San Francisco Monday to take part in the Navy's operation Blue Bolt, a naval strike force exercise. They were: CHARLES L. NEWMAN, chief aviation electrician's mate, son of Mrs. C.F. NEWMAN of 201 N. Brownson, with Heavy attack Squadron Eight; ROY WARREN Jr. husband of the former Miss RUBY G. RICHARDSON of 406 S. Cameron with Heavy Attack Squadron Eight; PATRICIO T. ESCALANA, son of Mr. and Mrs. ANTONIO ESCALANA of 1802 S. Lincoln, aboard the carrier Lexington; RAY FLORES, fireman, son of Mr. and Mrs. CECILIO FLORES of 406 Water St. aboard the destroyer Eversole; LOUIS R. MCDONALD, son of Mr. and Mrs. LOUIS H. MCDONALD of 1904 Polk and husband of the former Miss MARGARET CLEVELAND of Bloomington, with Fighter Squadron 211; BILLIE J. LOVEL, storekeeper, son of Mr. and Mrs. JOE LOVEL of 2005 Mimosa, with Attack Squadron 151; HARRY V. DIEDRICH, aviation mechanic, son of Mr. and Mrs. HARRY DIEDRICH of Victoria, with Attack Squadron 151; and JACK E. SWEET II of 1608 Mistletoe, aboard destroyer Chevalier.