Four Mile Prairie

Van Zandt County Communities

Taken from Van Zandt County Texas Biographies 1848-1991 Vol. II. Thanks to Kitty Wheeler for the original information and for permission to use it on the web site. The information that is included in this document is transcribed portions of information that appear in the above referenced book. Additions, corrections, comments, complaints and compliments concerning this page should be submitted to Betty Miller and Patsy Vinson.

Four Mile Prairie, Texas

Four Mile prairie is a community settled by a group of people who came with Johan Reirson the 31 Dec 1847. Those who came with the Reierson family or shortly thereafter included Johannes foos, Erik and Andrew Bakke, Sigurd and Ole orbeck, Knud Olsen, Knud Andersen, E. Englehaug, Jens Ringness, Andreas Huse, Ole Balesole, Ole Mjaaland, Aslak Nielsen, Ole Haugstul, Johan Ormsen, Anders Nielson, Anders Dahl, Johan rogstad, Johan Dahlby, John Grimseth, christian Petersen, Peder Peerson, Pastor Emil Friderichsen. Dr. G. Tergeson, Johan Brunstad, Stian and Simon Aanensen, Johan Hoilen, Ole Fladeland, Ole Pederson, Nicoley Hansen, Terje Andersen, Ole Borreson, Even Hielsen, Lars pedersen, Esten Jordahl, Jnut Salveson, Lars Olson, Andreas, Bretta, Elias and Jens Halvoson, Helge Gran, Osmond Johnson, Albert Anderson, Asmund, Martin and Enoch Eastvold, Adolf, Fred Torval and Carl Watner, Aanen Knudsen, Tallak Knudsen, Alexander Brun, Nils Anderson, Frederik Hanson, Anton of Ole Aanenson, Knud and Oscar Mjaaland, Almer Anderson, Ole Andrew, Christian, Julius and Oscar Olson, Albert Anderson, Ole Nick Olson, Lloyd and Walter Waerenskjold, Ole Mjaaland, Oscar Sylvertson, Chris Halvorson, Victor Hanson, Jens Jensen. some were single and some had families.

Hard workers and an industrial group of people, they built a thriving community. At one time there was a general store, a bakery, restaurant, a mill, a cotton gin, a schoolhouse (sic) a physician and a church.

Though the post office closed in 1866, the community lived on. Twenty years later in May 1886, the farmers were enjoying a good farming season. there was more wheat in acreage than the year before and it was doing well. The oats were low, but the heads were good, the corn was growing well despite the dry spell they were having. Cotton was a little under par, as the stand was not so good, but the plants were generally healthy. The gardens, although doing well, were in need of rain.

It was announced the Fields Alliance was on a boom and wold (sic) take in a host of members at the June meeting--mostly feminine. The alliance was making plans to put in a lumber yard.

Captain W. W. fields was adding tohis already well improved place--adding heavy machinery to his gin and grist mill, and would soon add a saw, which was needed badly. There was a petition being circulated that summer to solicit Mr. Fields to run for the legislature.

~ Cities and Communities ~ ~Van Zandt County ~

Your Hosts for Van Zandt County, Texas

Betty Teal Miller Patsy Finley Vinson