Taylor County

History of Cedar Creek District Number 17

According to records found on the Minutes of the Commissioners' Court, the first District Number 17, was organized in 1890 and was consolidated, in 1892, with the Wylie District, Number 11. In 1893, a new district Number 17 was formed from land taken from District Number 9, Buffalo Gap, and District Number 20, which is now a part of the: Iberis District. Later, in 1902, the size of the district was somewhat reduced, a part of the territory being given to the Iberis District. The site for the Cedar Creek School is some nine miles south of Abilene just off the Potosi road and on the east side of Cedar Creek, not far from where the first well in the County was drilled for oil. Here a little one-room building was erected and here, for a number of years, one teacher, with some seventy to eighty pupils, ranking from primer through the eleventh grade, held sway. Later the urgent need for better opportunities for the children was felt, and, in 1918, another room was built and properly equipped and another teacher employed, a bond having been voted for this improvement and a fifty cent tax having been levied. By this increased tax and modern building, the school became eligible to receive State Aid and has been much helped by the grants from this fund made year by year.

The present enrollment of the Cedar Creak School shows only about forty-five pupils, but, through the interest of the excellent community and the work of efficient teachers, the progress made has been very gratifying. For three years Miss Grace Travis has given to the district excellent services, having been principal of the school two years of this time; her work has been much appreciated. Miss Eugenia Graham, in 1920-1921, and Miss Gussie Burnett, in 1921-1922, have made most satisfactory assistant teachers.

With commendation for its good past and high hope for its future, here's to Cedar Creek!

Class Roll

Lois Matthews
Hattie Tedlord
Pauline Zimmerman
Bill Petree
Lois Offill
Annie M. Callaway
Moree Patton
R. E. Matthews
Claudia Zimmeiman
Gladys Williams
Leonard Kossey
Luke Kossey
J. M. Osborn
Dewey Chapman
Jaunita Gray
Lucian Gray
Mabry Chapman
A. V. Brannan
J. E. Zimmerman
Archie Harris
Edward Wilson

Mary Kosse
Janie Hunt
Herman Osborn
Floyd Mauldin
Carl Patton
Norman Wilson

Opal Offil
Lena Patton
Elvy Matthews

Sadie Ayers
Elizabeth Gray
Loveta Osborn
Bert Offill

Vennie Hunt
Ruby Hunt
Eula Mae Hunt
Beulab Kossey
Elsie Cranford
Lawrence Hunt
Alton Ray
Elmer Patton

Hallie Petree
Myrtle Jackson
Amba Tedford
Ruby Patton
Wilson Williams

Lavana Kossey
Rubie Petree
Elvie Kossey
Burl Cranford
Annie Matthews
Lavada Kossey
Marie Brannan

Reference: The Buffalo Trail, 1922, yearbook of Taylor County Schools
